Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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LL ref: LMOBPS450250057

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to leave that CowThat they then went to another
Field the Gate of which they found was unhung but
the Gate Close Shut. that his Mistress went into this
field and ordered Informant to drive up one of these
Cows (there being several in the field) which he did
his Mistress at the same time Saying to him Well
Bill we will take this Home wright or wrong and
that as the [..] wen during the said Cow through Poplar
they were Stopped as well as the Cow by Mr. Newley
the Owner. and Others.And this Informant
lastly Saith that about a Fortnight previous to any of
the Transactions before recited his Mistress and he went to
Epping Forest and Walked about the Forest some little
Time when his Mistress saw a Cow which she told Informt.
was a Cow that belonged to her father at the time her husband
died and [..] a Boy took it down there-Saith that as
they evene driving the said Cow towards London which was
on the farthest Part of the Forest near the Lea Bridge
Read they saw two men whom his Mistress requested
would Assist them in driving the Cow into the Road
and that if they would Assist her she would give them
Each a Shilling. That the said two Men did accordingly
Asset Informant & her Mistress but declined taking any
Money and that as they were driving the said Cow near
[..] he uses [..] ore they Entered the Read they met another
Man who told his Mistress he knew that Cow and the
Person it belonged to his Mistress replied she knew that
very well and had Bought it of him as the last Week
That they then drove said Cow to a Stable near the
Turnpike at Mile End where she Continued. all that night

That about Seven OClock the next morning his Mistress
and a Man whose goes by the name of Blind Sam drove
The Cow to Mr Kennelys Slaughter House aforesaid where

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