<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50297PS502970113"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502970113"></xptr>
<p n="541">till long after the time appointed by Act of parliamt<lb></lb>
for that purpose, And that on receiving the said<lb></lb>
Book the Petrs. finding that the usual Assessments-<lb></lb>
on the personal estates appertaining to the said-<lb></lb>
Division were omitted Requested, that the said-<lb></lb>
Rate Book might be justly settled in the customary<lb></lb>
manner, But were denyed any amendment or-<lb></lb>
alteration thereof whatsoever, And that the Petrs.<lb></lb>
are obliged to pay the Raker sixty pounds (as had<lb></lb>
for several yeares past been paid by their<lb></lb>
Predecessors) And have already paid one part-<lb></lb>
thereof (besides their charges<del>of</del>
or entring into-<lb></lb>
their said office) And the utmost their collections<lb></lb>
can amount to cannot exceed the sum of fifty<lb></lb>
pounds, And that by such omissions & imperfections<lb></lb>
in the said Rate Book on the personal estates<lb></lb>
aforesaid the Petrs. must be above ten pounds out<lb></lb>
of pocket more than usual in the like cases,-<lb></lb>
wherefore they apprehended themselves to be<lb></lb>
very much aggrieved, And prayed releif in-<lb></lb>
the premisses, And the matter of the sd. petition-<lb></lb>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
not being determined at the said last sessions,<lb></lb>
But the same now comeing on to be heard & debated<lb></lb>
at this present General Quarter Sessions of the peace<lb></lb>
(which Session began & was holden for this County-<lb></lb>
on Monday in the week next after the Feast of the<lb></lb>
Epiphany (to witt) the fourteenth day of January<lb></lb>
now last and was from thence continued by<lb></lb>
several adjornments untill this <rs type="date" id="LMSMPS50297_date79">twenty fifth-<lb></lb>
day of February instant</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50297_date79" type="date" value="17340225"></interp>
) Upon hearing of-<lb></lb>
what was alledged by Councell for the Petr. and<lb></lb>
also by</p>
<p n="542">And upon examination into the truth of the said<lb></lb>
matter This Court<del>that</del>
being satisfyed that the</p>

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