<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50273PS502730002"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS502730002"></xptr>
<p n="1">To the Worshipfull the Bench of<lb></lb>
Justices now Sitting att Hickses Hall</p>
<p n="2">The Most humble Peticon<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
of the pore<lb></lb>
pentioners belonging to the County of<lb></lb>
Middlsex Settish forth and Showeth<lb></lb>
yd yr Pore pettisoners lash belonged to<lb></lb>
the Said County for this 20 years<lb></lb>
part and used to be paide by quarterly<lb></lb>
payments for the Better Support &<lb></lb>
the are pore familys but now haveing<lb></lb>
not recived one Standing for upwards<lb></lb>
of this three quarters of A yeare past<lb></lb>
hathe Reduced yr pore pettisoners to greate<lb></lb>
want and very Low Surcumstances for<lb></lb>
want of that Releavse as your goodneses<lb></lb>
was pleased to bestow upon us to Support us</p>
<p n="3">Thearefore who Most humbly Bedge of<lb></lb>
this honourable Bench for the Lords Lake<lb></lb>
in favevour of us and pore familys to order<lb></lb>
Sume Releafe this Sitting wheare by who<lb></lb>
may be Releaved as you in your Royall<lb></lb>
Wisdom Shall thinke fitt and as in<lb></lb>
Duty Bound whe Shall for Ever pray</p>

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