<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50142PS501420152"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS501420152"></xptr>
<p n="721">play p at unlawfull games & behave themselves after a very<lb></lb>
<del>comitt severall thefts & take opportunitys of makeing</del>
disorderly manner in the time of divine service & sermon<lb></lb>
<del>observacons where to break into peoples houses to comitt</del>
<del>felonys &<obscured></obscured>
;To the great<del>danger</del>
disturbance of his Maties<lb></lb>
Subjects<del>inhiteing within the weekly bills of mortality<lb></lb>
in this County</del>
This Cort is of opinion and doth<lb></lb>
unianmously declare that the goeing with, driveing<lb></lb>
& useing of such wheelbarrows laden wth: goods &<lb></lb>
wares as aforesd. in & abt. the sd. Publique streets, lanes,<lb></lb>
open passages, & places within the weekly bills of mortality in this County & freguently<lb></lb>
standing therein to sell put off & utter the same are<lb></lb>
comon unsances & a great stopping obstructing &<lb></lb>
hindrance to his Maties. Subjects goeing passing &<lb></lb>
travelling there abt. their necessary busyness & lawfull<lb></lb>
occasions, And that the misbehaviour of<del>the goeing abt. of</del>
such idle psons<lb></lb>
<del>under prtending</del>
of wandring about to clean<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
shoes on the Lords day as aforesd. doe frquently<lb></lb>
is a great distrubance to his Maties. subjects, and that some speedy<lb></lb>
<del>comit thefts & are dangerous to his Maties. Subjects, And </del>
nemedy ought to be taken for the prvencon thereof for the future<lb></lb>
Andtherefore It is thought fit & Ordered by this Court that<lb></lb>
the high Constables of the severall Divisions within the<lb></lb>
weekly bills of mortality in the County doe forthwith<lb></lb>
issue out their precepts to the severall petty Constables<lb></lb>
& Headboroughs in their severall Divisions within the<lb></lb>
sd. weekly bills of mortality strictly requireing & comanding<lb></lb>
them to make diligent search and to apprehend & take<lb></lb>
up all such persons as they shall find soe useing &<lb></lb>
driveing such wheelbarrows wth. goods & wares in them<lb></lb>
as aforesd.<del>& alsoe</del>
in any of the foot paths, publique streets,<lb></lb>
lanes, open passages or other places within the weekly bills of mortality<del>at aforesd.</del>
in this County</p>

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