<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50142PS501420021"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS501420021"></xptr>
<p n="83">for if your worishop will be so kind as to<lb></lb>
Consider me I went a Cordin to your order<lb></lb>
to ye Church warn with ye payor and he<lb></lb>
a bused me sadle and asalted and took me<lb></lb>
up with a Constable and had me to ye romer<lb></lb>
tanorn and had me be for a Justis and ye Justis<lb></lb>
told him he was not a neberle Justis and he<lb></lb>
Could not doe noe Good in it ye beedel went<lb></lb>
wear ye boy is and he is but up Larning and<lb></lb>
he will not be Larnt this month and when<lb></lb>
he has Larnt he will have but pore on Shillin<lb></lb>
a week for I have none but god and you to stand<lb></lb>
bye me and I was with Justes Pooper and<lb></lb>
he Could doe no more but desired me to<lb></lb>
Com to ye bench to desire your worships to Gran<lb></lb>
me<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
somons for ye Church warns my pove-<lb></lb>
rty is so gre<obscured></obscured>
that I am Redy to despare</p>

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