<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50099PS500990002"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS500990002"></xptr>
<p n="1">The late compleate viclors obtaine by ye Matys. anns<lb></lb>
over the French ware Andorland doth justly challeng<lb></lb>
from all ye loyall subjectes there <del>reported thanks both<lb></lb>
to God & ye Maty.</del>
greatest thankfullness to allmighty<lb></lb>
God for the continuance of his divine favor to ye<lb></lb>
Mats. & ye People wch. we thus <gap reason="illegible"></gap>
humbly begg leave<lb></lb>
to prsent</p>
<p n="2">Child greate action doth not onely<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
shew that no<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
One able to Prvaite agt those of Maty. & ye allyes<lb></lb>
But likewise that no French genll is <del>able</del>
equall to<del>him to where<lb></lb>
ye Maty hath thought fitt to comitt</del>
that truly<lb></lb>
greate Capt<del>prarish</del>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
the both of Marburrough whom<lb></lb>
ye Maty hath <gap reason="illegible"></gap>
justly honored wth the comand of ye frods<lb></lb>
and<del>no foreign Prisoner whatsoever</del>
that no prisoner of the house of Bourbor <gap reason="illegible"></gap>
equall to that going<lb></lb>
Prince of the house of Hannovar who so eminently<lb></lb>
<del>signalized him</del>
distinguish himselfe is this battle</p>
<p n="3">That ye Maty may enjoy a long &<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
Prosperous reign and continue to be the buror of<lb></lb>
ye enemys & joy of ye united people are & shall be<lb></lb>
the constant prayes of</p>

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