<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50017PS500170001"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS500170001"></xptr>
<p n="1">Deeth Prand Jury for the body<lb></lb>
of the County of Middx doe Prsent to their<lb></lb>
Matis Justices of the peace of the said<lb></lb>
County assembled at the generall Quarter<lb></lb>
Sessions of the peace held for the Sd County<lb></lb>
on <rs type="date" id="LMSMPS50017_date2">Wednesday the 13th: day of this instant<lb></lb>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50017_date2" type="date" value="16920113"></interp>
That there very many Bailisst<lb></lb>
of the Sewall Hundreds was in this County who<lb></lb>
make it their comon Practice to extorte & exact<lb></lb>
from sewall of the Inlutants of this County<lb></lb>
extravagant Sumes of money for excuseing<lb></lb>
them from their Service on Brand & other<lb></lb>
Juryes within this County And they often times<lb></lb>
Excuse the richer Sorle of qottople<obscured></obscured>
(that pray<lb></lb>
them such their unreasonable demands &<lb></lb>
returne the Poores Sort upon Service<lb></lb>
Wee likewise Prsent to this Worspll: Court that<lb></lb>
there are most of the Carters Parmen & dray<lb></lb>
Men that passe & repasse wts their Sewall Cart<lb></lb>
Darrs & Drayes wthin this County make it their<lb></lb>
comon & usuall practice & Custome to<obscured></obscured>
negliqently on their sewall Carts Carrs & drays<lb></lb>
wthout haveing any poe to guide their<lb></lb>
houses soe that often times they recover<lb></lb>
wth their horses & Carts Etc many children<lb></lb>
& other their Matis: Leige People & Subjects<lb></lb>
travelling in the Streets, by reason of wth<lb></lb>
many loose their lives.</p>
<p n="2">All wth we humbly prsent to this worpll:<lb></lb>
Court to be very notorious offences &<lb></lb>
humbly pray the assistance of<lb></lb>
forth punishmt full such oftendors:</p>

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