<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO55603GO556030214"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO556030214"></xptr>
<p n="773">to the Sessions as the Law directs</p>
<p n="774">5th. Another Cause of this great Expence has arisen from a wrong Use made of<lb></lb>
Vagrant Passes by the Officers in some parishes who to save the great Expence<lb></lb>
of Settlement Passes or the Maintenance of casual Poor not belonging to them<lb></lb>
and whose Settlements were at a great Distance have passed such Poor as <lb></lb>
Rogues and Vagabonds although no Act of Vagrancy had been committed<lb></lb>
and more especially the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO55603_geo1190">Scotch</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55603_geo1190" type="placeName" value="Scotch"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55603_geo1190" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
and Irish Vagabonds.</p>
<p n="775">6th. Your Committee are also of Opinion that the putting the Vagrant Act into<lb></lb>
Execution in particular Parishes and Places (howsoever landable the Intention of<lb></lb>
the Magistrates may be) brings a large Expence upon the County without producing <lb></lb>
the designed Effect to the publick for as the Design of putting the said Act in this<lb></lb>
manner into Execution relates only to one Species of Vagabonds namely Beggars<lb></lb>
these of them who are were the Objects of Compassion than Punishment feel the<lb></lb>
Lash of the Law while the artificial Objects of Distress who have reduced Begging <lb></lb>
into a Trade well know how far the Whip of Justice extends and carefully avoid<lb></lb>
coming within its reach And this is a strong reason for the general Inforcement<lb></lb>
of the Law through the County</p>
<p n="776">Another Cause of the Grievance complained of arises from the ready harbour<lb></lb>
Beggars find in the Outskirts of the Town from the Keepers of Houses who<lb></lb>
left them out to Vagrants at Two pence a Night though by the Statute before<lb></lb>
mentioned Chap: 5. sec. 22 "If any Person knowingly permit any Rogue or<lb></lb>
"Vagabond or incorrigible Rogue to lodge or take shelter in his House Barn<lb></lb>
"or other Outhouse or Building and shall not apprehend and carry him<lb></lb>
"before a Justice or give Notice to the Constable so to do such Person shall<lb></lb>
"forfeit upon Conviction not exceeding Forty Shillings nor less than Ten Shillings"<lb></lb>
And though these kind of Houses are notoriously known to every Officer in the<lb></lb>
Parish where they exist yet for want of such Officers doing their Duty by giving<lb></lb>
the necessary Information to the Magistrates this excellent Clause of the Law<lb></lb>
(which if well executed would is a great Measure remove the Nusance) remains <lb></lb>
a dead Letter:</p>
<p n="777">Your Committee are of Opinion that the following Regulations with others that<lb></lb>
may be Suggested by the Wisdom of the Court being put into Execution with<lb></lb>
Spirit and Vigour will restore the Vagrant Act to its activity and by rendering <lb></lb>
it an Object of Terror to the Idle our Streets may be cleared in a little time of<lb></lb>
the Swarms of real and counterfeit Wretches which are a Burthen to the Minds as<lb></lb>
well as the Purses of worthy People: and such Objects being confined to their<lb></lb>
proper Settlements the real ones will be decently provided for, the lagy Impostors<lb></lb>
receive proper Correction and this and the neighbouring Counties will be relieved</p>

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