<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO55602GO556020210"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO556020210"></xptr>
<p n="753">and your Committee are of opinion they are not authorized So to do,<lb></lb>
that it would be attended with Difficulty and great Contrariety of<lb></lb>
Evidence as to the exact time of Selling, and therefore the atmost<lb></lb>
that can be done in Such Cases is to Set a less Fine, which may be<lb></lb>
done in particular Cases where the Offence is early in the Morning<lb></lb>
Should the Court on hearing the Parties Judge it proper So to do.</p>
<p n="754">As to the remaining Objections your Committee are of Opinion<lb></lb>
they may be all considered together and may be remedied and<lb></lb>
provided aginst by the following Method if approved of by the<lb></lb>
Court (viz.) That whereas this Court has appointed particular<lb></lb>
Days for Traverses which Days are the beginning of each Session<lb></lb>
and generally has fixed Appeals to be heard & determined on<lb></lb>
Thursdays So your Committee apprehend Friday Mornings from<lb></lb>
Eleven till two may be for the future the Stated time when<lb></lb>
<rs type="occupation" id="LMSMGO55602_occ827">Indictments</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55602_occ827" type="occupation" value="Indictments"></interp>
for exercising Trades on the Lords Day Shall<del>be</del>
brought before the Court whether the Party Stands tryal or<lb></lb>
confesses, by which Means every Gentleman in the Comission will<lb></lb>
know the fixed time for hearing and determining these Matters and<lb></lb>
may attend to give his Sentiments relating there to and the<lb></lb>
Determinations of the Court may be more consistent & Uniform<lb></lb>
than they have heretofore been. The Prosecutor or Prosecutors will<lb></lb>
then be obliged to attend only one Day with his or their Witnesses<lb></lb>
where by great Expence will be Saved, and as it is now uncertain<lb></lb>
when the Deft. will come in, So that often on a Confession the<lb></lb>
Witnesses of the Back of the Indictments are not present in Court<lb></lb>
and the Court cannot be apprized as to the Circumstances or time<lb></lb>
of the Offence they will be this Means hear from the WItnesses the<lb></lb>
whole Matter as they do on other Confessions, and will be better<lb></lb>
able to Judge whether Malice or Prospect of Gain bear any part<lb></lb>
in the Accusation or Prosecution which has been a Constant<lb></lb>
Objection to this otherwise commend able Way of Proceeding.</p>
<p n="755">By this Constant Stated regular way of Proceeding the<lb></lb>
Motives of Such Prosecutions will be more easily discovered the<lb></lb>
Party acsusing and accused more certainly brought together<lb></lb>
at the Same time, Justice more effectually administred, Expences<lb></lb>
lessened, Bills for Prosecutions of this King ascertained & Settled,<lb></lb>
Fines more likely to be Set adequate to the Offence as it may be</p>

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