<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO40000GO400000135"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO400000135"></xptr>
<p n="454">unless it happens that there are not Farmers sufficient to be<lb></lb>
found on the Roads or that such Farmers refuse to work as<lb></lb>
cheap as Foreigners for it is but reasonable that as they pay<lb></lb>
to the Turnpike they should be preferred before foreigners</p>
<p n="455">That Marsh Halsted Edwards Shittle and all others that have<lb></lb>
bin detected of not doing their Duty and of carrying short Loads<lb></lb>
contrary to the Orders of the Trustees be not for the future<lb></lb>
employed in any Work relating to the Turn pike</p>
<p n="456">That the people inhabiting in the Parishes adjoining to the<lb></lb>
Road be employed in all the Works on the Road preferable<lb></lb>
to Foreigners they Working as cheap as Foreigners.</p>
<p n="457">That the Trustees (as is the Custome of other Turnpikes) do from<lb></lb>
time to time adjourn themselves to proper Houses adjoyning<lb></lb>
to the Roads that they may thereby have the better<lb></lb>
opportunity to look to the Amendment of the said Roads<lb></lb>
and to see that the officers do their Duty</p>
<p n="458">And it is Ordered by this Court that this present Order be<lb></lb>
forthwith transmitted to the said Trustees And that they do<lb></lb>
from henceforth observe the same and cause the same<lb></lb>
to be performed by their severall under Officers Agents<lb></lb>
and Servants And It is further Ordered by this Court<lb></lb>
that the said Trustees do cause an extract to be made from<lb></lb>
their severall Books of what Moneys have been received<lb></lb>
and paid for and on accompt of the said Turnpike and also<lb></lb>
a State of the said Turnpike with regard to the income thereof,<lb></lb>
and what year by Sumes are paid or to be paid to the several<lb></lb>
Treasurers Clerks Collectors and Surveyors or other<lb></lb>
Persons employed by the said Trustees, and also what<lb></lb>
Gravell Ballast or other materialls for the repair of the<lb></lb>
Highways hath been bought or contracted for, by whom,<lb></lb>
of whom, and at what prices, and what Debt's are due<lb></lb>
and owing from the said Trustees on accompt of the said<lb></lb>
Turnpike together with a List of the Names of all such<lb></lb>
Persons whose Teams have been or are employed by their<lb></lb>
Surveyors for repair of the said Highways and the places<lb></lb>
of their respective a boad, and the compositions that are or</p>

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