<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO40000GO400000113"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO400000113"></xptr>
<p n="303">Report of the Proceedings of the said Trustees and to have laid <lb></lb>
before you a true State of the Turnpike with regard to its <lb></lb>
Income and Outgoings and to the Debts due & owing on the <lb></lb>
Accot: of the said Turnpike But in Justification of ourselves <lb></lb>
find that we are obliged to lay before you the severall <lb></lb>
Mess ages that we have sent to the said Trustees together <lb></lb>
with their Proceedings thereon which are Setforth in a <lb></lb>
Paper annexed to this Report (markt A) That thereby may <lb></lb>
be Seen what Treatment the Comittee have met with <lb></lb>
from the Trustees</p>
<p n="304">To which paper yor. Comittee add this observacon that by the <lb></lb>
Order of the Trustees made the Ninth day of December last <lb></lb>
It is Ordered that Accots. & Extracts be made Pursuant to our <lb></lb>
last Message and to be laid before as but no time if directed <lb></lb>
when they shall be laid before as. but the Trustees did think <lb></lb>
fit to adjourn themselves for Five Weeks (which if what they <lb></lb>
Scarcely ever did before to adjourn for so long a time) for no <lb></lb>
other reason (as we apprehend) but to Put it out of our <lb></lb>
Power to apply to them by another Message and to Prevent <lb></lb>
(as much as they could) our being able to make any Report <lb></lb>
at this Sessions</p>
<p n="305">The Comittee have inspected the Book of Orders made by <lb></lb>
the said Trustees from the first day of their Meeting to this <lb></lb>
time and we cannot but think that the said Trustees have not <lb></lb>
Proceeded with a due Regard to the Publick Interest nor as <lb></lb>
becoming Men entrusted with so great an Income, but have <lb></lb>
rather Shown themselves Partial to one another and have <lb></lb>
demonstrated such their Partiality by the many contradictory <lb></lb>
Orders by them made and without any just reason (as we <lb></lb>
can apprehend</p>
<p n="306">The Comittee think it Proper to lay before you the three Papers <lb></lb>
annext to this Report thereby the better and more fully to expose <lb></lb>
the Proceedings of the said Trustees and to shew the reason <lb></lb>
we have to censure such their Actions.</p>
<p n="307">The first contains some of the Contradiccons taken from their Books of Orders <lb></lb>
The Second is a Report of a Commee of the Trustees appointed to Inspect <lb></lb>
the Accots. of the Severall Turnpikes of <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO40000_geo205">Islington</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO40000_geo205" type="placeName" value="Islington"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO40000_geo205" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
Etc. and Reported <lb></lb>
to the Trustees 28th. of Janry. 1717</p>
<p n="308">The third is a Report of a Commee appointed to Examine Mr. Edwards <lb></lb>
their late Treasurers accots. & reported to the Trustees 8th. of July 1718.</p>
<p n="309">As to the first Paper we conceive it Speaks fully for its self nor <lb></lb>
need we say were to it than this That there do's not appear in <lb></lb>
their Books of Orders any one Reason given for such <lb></lb>
Contradicon, but on the Contrary the Reason (as we apprehend)</p>

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