<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45029PS450290110"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450290110"></xptr>
<p n="490">a Poker and as the Deceased was Coming<lb></lb>
out the Father but him a Blow with her<lb></lb>
Poker on the left side his Head</p>
<p n="491">That the Blow followed and run Down<lb></lb>
the Collar of his ShirtThat the<lb></lb>
Deceased Came into Informants house<lb></lb>
Feld up his Hands and said for Gods sake<lb></lb>
Mrs. Dickinson save me<lb></lb>
Saith That She Put the Boy upon the Stairs<lb></lb>
That in about a Quarter of an hour the<lb></lb>
Father Came to Informant and said Danns<lb></lb>
him where is heThat Informant<lb></lb>
Informant Desired him to Qualify his<lb></lb>
Passion and she would Tell him where the<lb></lb>
Child wasThat them he went and<lb></lb>
fetched' a Disk with a bit of Meat in it<lb></lb>
And said That the Deceased had Eat<del>all</del>
four Pounds all but that Bit Whilst<lb></lb>
he had been to the Hospital his Mother<lb></lb>
Believes that Bit was about a Pound<lb></lb>
That he Carried in the Dish<lb></lb>
That about half an hour afterwards the<lb></lb>
Father Came again And said why will you</p>

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