<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45018PS450180160"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450180160"></xptr>
<p n="1160"> <note type="authorial" place="margin"> <rs type="placeName" id="LMOBPS45018_geo501">Middlesex</rs>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_geo501" type="placeName" value="Middlesex"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_geo501" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
to Wit</note>
The Information of <rs type="persName" id="LMOBPS45018_n1160-1">Mary<lb></lb>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1160-1" type="given" value="Mary"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1160-1" type="surname" value="Rushworth"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1160-1" type="gender" value="female"></interp>
admitted an Gardence in his<obscured></obscured>
his Majesty's <rs type="occupation" id="LMOBPS45018_occ129">Justices of the Peace</rs>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_occ129" type="occupation" value="Justices of the Peace"></interp>
for the said County</p>
<p n="1161">Who being upon Oath saith that on Tuesday<lb></lb>
last between twelve & one o Clock at noon she<lb></lb>
went to see One Servant Defoe who lodged<lb></lb>
at the House of One Sum Smith Wife of <rs type="persName" id="LMOBPS45018_n1161-1">George Smith</rs>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-1" type="given" value="George"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-1" type="surname" value="Smith"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
in <rs type="placeName" id="LMOBPS45018_geo502">Dean Street</rs>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_geo502" type="placeName" value="Dean Street"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_geo502" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
Holborn when this Informant<lb></lb>
had been there about a Quarter of an hour a person<lb></lb>
now present who calls herself <rs type="persName" id="LMOBPS45018_n1161-2">Ann Green</rs>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-2" type="given" value="Ann"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-2" type="surname" value="Green"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-2" type="gender" value="female"></interp>
came into the the Lodgings at the said Defoe some<lb></lb>
few minutes after Green had been in the Room<lb></lb>
the said <rs type="persName" id="LMOBPS45018_n1161-3">Ann smith</rs>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-3" type="given" value="Ann"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-3" type="surname" value="smith"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-3" type="gender" value="female"></interp>
came up& Defoe gave<lb></lb>
her some Gin which was left at the bottom of<lb></lb>
a Bottle Upon which Smith say'd she would<lb></lb>
not be beholden to Defoe but would have a Dram<lb></lb>
at her own Suit & accordingly a half pint of<lb></lb>
Gin was brought which was Drank among them<lb></lb>
four Smith went out & stared abt ten<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
Minutes then returned & they had another<lb></lb>
half Pint to Gim this Informt. Bragged that she<lb></lb>
had first & Second & Morning Smith sayd of<lb></lb>
she had none now that she had Money to buy it<lb></lb>
which &<del>produced a</del>
produced a Box the Contents<lb></lb>
of which she threw upon a Table which was Six<lb></lb>
Guineas & a five Shillings & three pence & she<lb></lb>
took it up again put it in her Box & kept in her<obscured></obscured>
then this Informant together with Defoe & Smith went<lb></lb>
Down Stairs into the Shop & Parlour whom & Green<lb></lb>
Stayd above Stairs Defoe sent for another half<lb></lb>
pint of Gim which was Drank by Smith Defoe<lb></lb>
this Informant & Green who came down Stairs<lb></lb>
& upon her coming down Stairs <rs type="persName" id="LMOBPS45018_n1161-5">Ann Smith</rs>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-5" type="given" value="Ann"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-5" type="surname" value="Smith"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45018_n1161-5" type="gender" value="female"></interp>
was very<lb></lb>
Sick she put her Box & Money upon the Chimney<lb></lb>
piece in the back parlour & sat<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
Close to it is a Clark<lb></lb>
being very Sick Defoe held her head with One hand<lb></lb>
& took the Box & Money in it off the Chimney place<lb></lb>
with her other hand but the Cattling of the Money &<lb></lb>
this Informt saying it was Mr. Smiths Box & desired her<lb></lb>
to her let it alone Mrs. Smith recovered & say'd the &</p>

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