<div1 type="OApage" id="OA173106163106160017"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="OA173106160017"></xptr>
<p n="100">ADDRESS to the GENTLEMEN, By Dr. GREGORIUS, (Noted for his Skill in Surgery and Anatomy, as well as Physick and Chymistry.)</p>
<p n="101">Who having observ'd the frequent Advertisements in the News Papers, of one and another Single Medicine, said to cure all Sorts of Gleets, and Seminal Weaknesses, which their Authors confound together, as if there were no Difference between them, has been prevail'd upon, by his Friends, in this Publick Manner, to inform, and undeceive those who have unwarily been brought into either, (or both together, as it sometimes happens) of these perplexing, draining Imbecilities.</p>
<p n="102">That where the Gleeting is only from a Laxity of the Glands in the Urethra, what leaks and drills away insensibly from them, through the Urinary Passage, and spots or smears the Linnen, though it be yellowish, yet being without Pain, or any ill-condition'd Disorder, is no more than Mucus, and must be cured one Way.</p>
<p n="103">And where it is a Seminal Weakness, that which slips away involuntarily, though it be thin, watery, and unelaborate, either by itself, in the Day-time, or a Nights too frequently, or profusely in the Sleep, or with the Upine, or upon Stool, whether from an Acrimony, or Deravity of the Juices, or by over straining the Spematick Vessels; or both, is Seed, and is to be remedied another, inasmuch, as that Medicine which will cure the one, will not cure the other, and (vice versa) as every Practitioner that knows the Nature, Make, and different Situation of the Parts ministring to Generation, will allow; and that for want of this due Distinction, and right Application, it is, that so many People are disappointed of Cure; and by Continuance of the Gleetings, are drain'd, as they are, into Impotencies, or Infertilities, which as it hinders their Marrying, gives them great Anxiety, and the more, when attended, as in some, with Pain and Weakness in the Back and Reins; or as, in others, with Difficulty, or Dribblings of the Urine in, or after making it, which at Length comes away either foul, sharp, slimy, or of an ill Smell.</p>
<p n="104">As this is so in Fact, and the Doctor well known to have experienc'd, in numberless Instances, the noble and never failing Effects of Two particular Balsamick Electuaries, which he spared no Pains or Expence to find out, the one to restrain the Mucus, and the other, the involuntary shedding of the Seed, by their respectively bracing up the Fibres, and restoring the Tone and Springiness of the relaxed Glands and Seminals, invigorating the Genitals, and fertilizing the Seed, was also perswaded to recommend their Use, that those, who, for a long while together, had tried other Medicines for the same Weaknesses, and by their not succeeding, concluded themselves incurable, might be convinc'd by their speedy Amendment and Recovery by these, that it was not the Incurability of their Malady, but the wrong Method they had been in for Cure,</p>
<p n="105">But yet, in either of the said Two Weaknesses, or where it happens that they are complicated, and have proceeded, either from Self-Abuses, excessive, or over straining Coitions, or from over Purgations in Venereal Cures, or any other Cause, as a Flux of Humours generally falls down and settles upon all weakened Parts, rendering them still the weaker, and these tender nervous Parts more especially: The first Step to be taken in order to make way for a regular and substantial Cure, (and without which it is not to be accomplished) must, in a pecular Manner, be to correct, and gently divert those Humours; and the only Medicine he could ever rely upon to do this effectually, that is to overcome the Cause, and introduce the Cure of the most difficult of these Weaknesses, (even where the Vessels had been obstructed, Manhood greatly enfeebl'd, and in some, well nigh extinct, or at least not able to touch a Woman but ad primum labiorum contactum, semen emittunt; has been his Preparing Pills, of which when the Patient has taken only three Doses, at due Distances he is to begin (and not before) with one or t'other (or both together, as the Case may chance to be) of the said Two Electuaries, which how to distinguish in, and proceed with, the printed Directions, wrap'd up with the Pills, do so plainly shew, that no Persons, even the meanest Capacities, can be any Loss to understand them; but will, by their observing the easy Rules thee in laid down, have their Blood, and whole Body, we cleans'd and purified, the debilated Parts strengthened and by Degrees, compleatly, and lastingly invigorate and restored, so as to be enabled quickly, and safely Marry, without the least Need of any further, or othe Advice or Medicine.</p>
<p n="106">They are to be had, Price 7 s. 6 d. the Box, ready to be deliver'd to any Messenger, upon only for, A Box of Pills, at Mr. Payne's, a Booketter, at Crown, facing the Chapter Coffee-house, in Paternoter Row.</p>
<p n="107">Note, The said Two Electuaries, viz, Numb, 1, Gleets, and Numb. 2, for Seminal and Genital Weaknesses, are to be had there also, Price 7 s. 6 d. each and are likewise sealed up: and to be asked for by Electuary Number 1, or Electuary Number 2,</p>

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