Ann Roberts< no role >
Augt 11th 1764
By Order under the Hands & Seals of
Francis Bedwell< no role >
Barthw. Hammons< no role >
. two of his Majesty's Justices of the
Peace for the County of Middx
(One of the Quorum) bearing
Date the 11th. Day of August 1764
Ann Roberts< no role >
was Removed from the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the County of Middx to the Parish of St. Dunstan
in the West in the City of London
Elizth Jones< no role > This name instance is in set 961.
7th Sepr 1764
By Order under the Hands & Seals of Barthw.
Paul Vaillant< no role >
Esqrs. two of his Majesty's
Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx
(One of the Quorum) bearing Date the 7th of Septr 1764
Elizth. Jones< no role >
was Removed from the Parish of St.
Clement Danes
in the County of Middx to the Parish
of St. Giles in the Fields
in the same County
Elizth. Lewis< no role >
Septr 7th 1764
By Order under the Hands & Seals of Barth
Hammond &
Paul Vaillant< no role >
. two of his Majesty's Justices
of the Peace for the Liberty of Westmr. (One of the Quorum)
Bearing Date the 7th. of Septr. 1764 Elizth. Lewis Single
was Removed from the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the Liberty of Westmr. to the Parish of St. James
in the same Liberty