<div1 type="CD_MVpage" id="WCCDMV36207MV362070073"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMV362070073"></xptr>
<p n="620">Resolved that the Overseers of the Poor do<lb></lb>
apply to two Justices of the Peace for Warrts. of Distress<lb></lb>
on such Persons as shall Refuse to pay to such Rate<lb></lb>
& that Distress be made on such Persons if after-<lb></lb>
Notice they Refuse to pay the same the sd. Overseers-<lb></lb>
having first acquainted the Vestry therewith-</p>
<p n="621">Resolved that the Justices of the Peace & Oversrs.<lb></lb>
of the Poor be reimbursed all Expences out of the<lb></lb>
Poors Rate which they shall be put to in levying the <lb></lb>
Sd. Rate on such Persons as shall Refuse to pay the <lb></lb>
<p n="622">Adjourned to Saturday 4 in the<lb></lb>
afternoon to proceed further in the <lb></lb>
Examination of the Poor</p>

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