<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20210MG202100368"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202100368"></xptr>
<p n="3831">Continued, Wednesday <rs type="date" id="BBBRMG20210_date311">July 31st.. 1799</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20210_date311" type="date" value="17990731"></interp>
<p n="3832"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Report (Artmr. & Apps.)</note>
That every Boy be Numbered, and that the Buttons<lb></lb>
on his Clothes be distinguished alternately by his<lb></lb>
Number, and the Head of the Royal Founder.</p>
<p n="3833">That no Apprentice be permitted to go out of the<lb></lb>
Hospital, either on Sundays or on other days after the<lb></lb>
usual working Hours without a Note from his Master,<lb></lb>
to be delivered to the Beadle at the Gate; and that the<lb></lb>
Notes be filed and kept for the inspection of the House<lb></lb>
<p n="3834">That no Holydays be allowed the Apprentices of<lb></lb>
this Hospital, except at the discretion of their Masters,<lb></lb>
and under the controul of the House Committee, but<lb></lb>
no Apprentice to be out of the Hospital during the<lb></lb>
Evenings of Bartholomew Fair.</p>
<p n="3835">That a Chapel Book be kept in which the names<lb></lb>
of the Apprentices who are absent from Chapel shall<lb></lb>
be noted.</p>
<p n="3836">That this Book be constantly laid before the House<lb></lb>
<p n="3837">That the Hospital Gates shall be shut, from<lb></lb>
Michaelmas to Lady Day, at Nine, and from Lady<lb></lb>
Day to Michaelmas, at Ten O' Clock</p>
<p n="3838">That before the Shutting of the Gates, a Beadle<lb></lb>
shall call every Night at the Artsmasters Houses, to<lb></lb>
inquire and note whether any of the Apprentices are<lb></lb>
<p n="3839">That every Apprentice who shall stay out of the<lb></lb>
Hospital, after the shutting of the Gates, shall the<lb></lb>
next Morning, be reported by the Beadle to the President,<lb></lb>
Treasurer, or House Committee, and shall be punished<lb></lb>
either by Confinement to the Hospital, or to his<lb></lb>
Masters House, or by Imprisonment or by Whipping<lb></lb>

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