<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20202MG202020015"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202020015"></xptr>
<p n="55">Fel</p>
<p n="56">Atimistey Ordr: concerning him Expunged5<lb></lb>
Mead Joseph made free18<lb></lb>
Martin Tho: Elected Beadle28<lb></lb>
May Mary at 2s38<lb></lb>
Mead Joseph£1044<lb></lb>
Muggleston Humphy. Appr75<lb></lb>
Meglofty Char to Bethlem<del>at</del>
upon Charity106<lb></lb>
Mascall Char. Appr126<lb></lb>
Mountney Mr. Nathll. Noiated Goverr.132<lb></lb>
Mills Wm. to be Enquired of154<lb></lb>
Ditto£10. of Mr Lock Gift162<lb></lb>
Mason Wm admitted Govr229:<lb></lb>
Mr Mounts Accots to be made up in to weeks241:<lb></lb>
Mrs Mount & her children £150242:<lb></lb>
Massey Danll in Bethlem at 2s.6d P week 242:<lb></lb>
Mottley his Peticonr. referred255:<lb></lb>
Mottley Mr a New Lease262:<lb></lb>
Mowry Wm Apprent264:<lb></lb>
Moore Mathew do264:<lb></lb>
Male James £15273<lb></lb>
Meade Tho: made free285.<lb></lb>
Marshall Mr Justice admitted a Govr.303<lb></lb>
Meade Tho: to be viewd322:<lb></lb>
Ditto £10335.<lb></lb>
Machin John Elected Artsmar385</p>
<p n="57">Martin Thomas<lb></lb>
Mathews Wm.}<lb></lb>
<p n="58">Mumford Richard Appr359<lb></lb>
Maps of the Hospitals Lands to be made 368<lb></lb>
Marshal Mr Charles noiated a Govr375</p>
<p n="59"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
Monox Lamellot late Clerke Mrs. Wrights<lb></lb>
Petn about his Children agreed on<lb></lb>
certaine Condiconr<hi rend="braceResult"> 375</hi>
<p n="60">Marshall Mr Charles addn Govr387<lb></lb>
Machin elected Artsmaster385<lb></lb>
Matron Higgins a Gratuity of £30233</p>

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