<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20201MG202010009"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202010009"></xptr>
<p n="126">fol</p>
<p n="127">Engine Roome34<lb></lb>
Easter Munday & Tuesday Decmr38<lb></lb>
Edmonds Dorothy Comittee39<lb></lb>
Eeles Henry Appr44<lb></lb>
Engine Roome47<lb></lb>
Ebthorp Eliz:56<lb></lb>
Eleccon day57<lb></lb>
Edwin Hath59<lb></lb>
Ebthorp Eliz:61<lb></lb>
Emerton Eliz66<lb></lb>
Eddins Hath78<lb></lb>
Edmonds Mrs. houses to be View'd 82<lb></lb>
Same to have her Lease87<lb></lb>
Edgerton James89<lb></lb>
Emmes Capt Thos: Nod Govr100<lb></lb>
Edwards Mr. Michll. a Staff117<lb></lb>
Elton Thomas nod. Governr117</p>
<p n="128">Emery John to have a Lease<lb></lb>
of the house in Hus<obscured></obscured>
<p n="129">Eaton Henry to be made free 130<lb></lb>
Essington Lient. Coll adm: Govr. 167<lb></lb>
East Mr. Gilbert Adm: Govr179<lb></lb>
Eleccon day182<lb></lb>
Edwards Mr. Nod. Govr.190<lb></lb>
Edwards James Appr235<lb></lb>
Edwards Michll Esqr. Add. Govr289<lb></lb>
Eeles Bernard Esqr. Nod. Gor325<lb></lb>
Eleaccon day for 1694{371<lb></lb>
Ely Tho: to be Inquired of382<lb></lb>
Ely Tho to be made free378<lb></lb>
Same £10386<lb></lb>
Elwick Mr. his Peticon referred 401<lb></lb>
Egleston Samll Apprce:432</p>

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