<div1 type="BR_MBpage" id="GLBRMB20100MB201000023"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLBRMB201000023"></xptr>
<p n="82">Continued Thursday <rs type="date" id="GLBRMB20100_date18">6th Novr. 1783</rs>
<interp inst="GLBRMB20100_date18" type="date" value="17831106"></interp>
<p n="83"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Hemp Dresser to Fetch<lb></lb>
the Prisoners Meals from<lb></lb>
the Stewards</note>
It is Ordered that the Hemp Dresser<lb></lb>
do fetch The Meals from the Stewards for All the<lb></lb>
Prisoners committed to the Women's Prison(except<lb></lb>
on Sundays and Lock up Days)and on those days<lb></lb>
the Three Junior Beadles alternately shall perform<lb></lb>
that Duty.</p>
<p n="84"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Messages for the<lb></lb>
Physicians Surgeon or<lb></lb>
Apothecary to be delivd.<lb></lb>
by 9 in the Morng</note>
It is Ordered that all Messages<lb></lb>
for the Physicians Surgeon or Apothecary(except<lb></lb>
inCase of Accidents or Sudden Illness)be delivered<lb></lb>
to them by Nine o Clock in the Morning</p>

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