<div1 type="BR_MBpage" id="GLBRMB20100MB201000010"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLBRMB201000010"></xptr>
<p n="21">Continued Friday 22d March 1776</p>
<p n="22"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Surveyor to make an<lb></lb>
Estimate of the Expence<lb></lb>
of converting the Room<lb></lb>
in the outer Court used<lb></lb>
as a Watch house for<lb></lb>
the purpose of the<lb></lb>
Apothecary to deposit<lb></lb>
and make up Medicines</note>
use of the Women and It is Ordered that the Surveyor<lb></lb>
do make an Estimate of the Expence of taking down<lb></lb>
the Partition and fitting up the same for that Purpose<lb></lb>
And this Committee being Informed by the Apothecary<lb></lb>
that he had no place in this Hospital wherein he could<lb></lb>
deposit or make up any Medicines for the Use of the<lb></lb>
Apprentices or Prisoners and this Committee having<lb></lb>
Viewed the Room in the Outer Court formerly made use of<lb></lb>
as a Watch house are of Opinion that the same might<lb></lb>
at a small Expence be Converted to that Purpose It<lb></lb>
is Ordered that the Surveyor do make an Estimate of<lb></lb>
the Expence thereof</p>

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