<div1 type="BA_ACpage" id="GLBAAC10004AC100040017"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLBAAC100040017"></xptr>
<p n="69">Disbursements Pr. Sundry's Continued</p>
<p n="70">£ S D</p>
<p n="71">Expended when the Defaulters were Summoned before the Alderman for Non Payment of the<lb></lb>
Poor Rate} - 8 9</p>
<p n="72">Expended in getting a Boy out of the Parish- 1S 10<lb></lb>
Expended in going to Seize Mr Roses Goods for not paying his Poors Rate- 1S 6<lb></lb>
Expended at a Meeting in Letting the Little Shops under the Church1 6 10</p>
<p n="73"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
Expended at Ten Severall Meetings at Sundry Places in the parish with Severall of the<lb></lb>
Antients in Order to get Fines from the Severall Inhabitants for the Offices of Overseer of<lb></lb>
the Poor And for Renter and Upper <rs type="occupation" id="GLBAAC10004_occ13">Church-Wardens</rs>
<interp inst="GLBAAC10004_occ13" type="occupation" value="Church-Wardens"></interp>
<hi rend="braceResult"> 5 15 1</hi>
<p n="74">Expended on Receiving Mr Blake And Mr Worsters Fines for the Little Shops1 6S -<lb></lb>
Do. On Receiving Esqr Garfords Gift- 4 4<lb></lb>
Do. On Executing Mr Reynolds Writings and Receiving Mr Runtons Fine- 8 1<lb></lb>
Expended Giving away Esqr Garfords Gift with the Trustees- 4 6<lb></lb>
Expended at a Vestry being Election Day2 - -<lb></lb>
Expended Getting Man into the <rs type="placeName" id="GLBAAC10004_geo31">Workhouse</rs>
<interp inst="GLBAAC10004_geo31" type="placeName" value="Workhouse"></interp>
<interp inst="GLBAAC10004_geo31" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
being an Imposter- 8 6<lb></lb>
Expended at Mr Jollys in Receiving Rent1 14 6<lb></lb>
Expended more than the half Crowns in Receiving All the Fines1 16 9</p>
<p n="75">Spent in Setling the Account with Mrs Mitchell about the <rs type="placeName" id="GLBAAC10004_geo32">Workhouse</rs>
<interp inst="GLBAAC10004_geo32" type="placeName" value="Workhouse"></interp>
<interp inst="GLBAAC10004_geo32" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
after her Husbands<lb></lb>
Deaths} - - 10</p>
<p n="76">Gave Mrs Mitchell 2S/6D And Mr Miller 1S- 3 6<lb></lb>
For Collecting Parish Rents2 - -<lb></lb>
Expended in Setling my Account for the Audit- 8 10<lb></lb>
Paid for a Book to Enter the Account- 2 6<lb></lb>
Expended at the Auditing this Account2 - -</p>
<p n="77"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
Paid Mr Bentham Clerk of the Vestry for One Years Sallary and his Bill for Sundry Business<lb></lb>
done for the Year 1732<hi rend="braceResult"> 14 10 -</hi>
<p n="78">Drawing and Entring this Account.1 - -<lb></lb>
<p n="79">Disbursements Pr. Travelling Passes1..8 7<lb></lb>
Disbursements Pr. Hospitall Charges1..11..6</p>

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