Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

3rd December 1817

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t18171203-2

2. ELIZA BRADLEY proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing, on the 20th of September , one bed, value 4l.; one bolster, value 1s.; one rug, value 7s.; two blankets, value 12s.; one sheet, value 10s.; one towel, value 3d.; one candlestick, value 2s., and two forks, value 1s., the goods of Henry Snow proceedingsvictim , in a lodging-room .

ANN SNOW. I am the wife of Henry Snow < no role > , we live in White Horse-yard . In March last, the prisoner took a furnished-room of me at 3s. per week, as a married woman, but I never saw her husband with her; after she absconded I got the door broken open, and missed the articles stated in the indictment. The constable took her into custody, she then said, she had taken them at different times and sold them-

JOHN WILLIAMS < no role > . I am a constable On the 26th of September, I broke the door open and the prosecutrix missed the things; I took the prisoner into custody the next day, she said she took the feathers away and sold them.

GUILTY . Aged 45.

Confined One Year .

First Middlesex Jury, before Mr. Baron Garrow < no role > .

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