Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

15th January 1817

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t18170115-2

149. BENJAMIN HEARNE proceedingsdefend was indicted for burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of John Wheeler proceedingsvictim , about the hour of three in the night of the 28th of December , with intent to steal, and burglariously stealing therein, twenty-five goblets, value 25s.; two salt-holders, value 3s.; two tumblers, value 2s.; twenty-eight glasses, value 20s.; six mustard-pots, value 9s.; five cruets, value 5s.; one pepper-box, value 1s.; two teapots, value 5s.; seven cups, value 6s.; five jugs, value 5s.; one cream-jug, value 10d.; twenty-three tea-cups and thirteen saucers, value 17s., and one sugar-pot, value 2s. , the goods of James Baker proceedingsvictim .

ROBERT PEARCEY < no role > . I am a watchman at Brentford. On the night of the 29th of December last, about ten minutes past three o'clock, I met the prisoner and another man; I was about one hundred yards from the Castle Tavern; he had a sack with him. I asked the prisoner where he was going with it, he said, to Ealing. East looked into the sack, and said, he had got glass in it. I took him into custody.

JAMES BAKER < no role > . I am a dealer in glass, and keep the Castle Inn, at Brentford . I was informed of the robbery; I had left my things safe the day before. I missed the articles mentioned in the indictment. I have the saucers which match the cups that were found on the prisoner.

(Property produced and sworn to.)

Jury. How can you swear to them - A. The cups are a pattern which were only made for trial, and I bought them all; I have the saucers that match them.

WILLIAM EAST. I am a watchman; I took the things which have been produced from the prisoner, and gave them to Carver.

GEORGE CARVER < no role > . I am the beadle of Ealing; the last witness gave me the articles that I have produced.

Prisoner's Defence. I was going to my barge, and I met a man who gave me the things to carry to Ealing.

WILLIAM EAST. He was going towards Ealing; he said it was his own property.

ROBERT PEARCEY < no role > . When I stopped the prisoner, he said, the things were his own.

GUILTY. Aged 50.

Of Stealing only .

Transported for Seven Years .

First Middlesex Jury, before Mr. Justice Park.

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