Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

3rd April 1816

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t18160403-2

289. LEVI ABRAHAMS proceedingsdefend , ESTHER JONAS proceedingsdefend , and SARAH LEVI proceedingsdefend , were again indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 9th of March , one bed, value 3l. one bolster, value 10s. and two pillows, value 10s. the property of Thomas Bennet proceedingsvictim , in his dwelling-house .

THOMAS BENNET. I live at No. 9, George-street, Stepney ; I have a dwelling-house there; I left it about six o'clock in the morning of Saturday, the 9th of March; I left my wife at home; nobody else lives in the house. When I returned between nine and ten o'clock in the evening, I found that I had been robbed of my bed, my bolster, two pillows, a blanket, a counterpane, and a trunk, containing various articles of mine, and my wife's wearing apparel. I had seen them in the house before I went out; I slept in the bed; it is now in court. The value of the bed is three pounds; the bolster is worth ten shillings. I understood that the door of my house had been double locked. When I came home, I found a number of my neighbours in the house, and my wife.

JANE BENNET < no role > . I am the wife of the last witness. I left my house about seven o'clock in the morning; I left nobody in the house. I returned a little after eight in the evening; I returned before my husband. I had double locked the street door when I went out. When I returned, I found it on the single lock. The moment I came home I went up stairs, seeing the doors open; I found the bed missing, the first thing of the bedstead, also a quilt, a counterpane, a blanket, a trunk, a bolster, and two pillows. I can't say how any one got in. The bed was worth three pounds; the bolster ten shillings; the two pillows ten shillings. I have seen my property since; the officer has got it.

SAMUEL MILLER < no role > . I am a police officer. I went in company with Dalton, on the morning of Monday, the 11th; I went to a house in Little Middlesex-street, Whitechapel; I found the three prisoners were there, the bed, two pillows, and a bolster. I believe Mr. Jonas keeps the house; the girl, Sarah Levi, is the daughter of Levi Abrahams, I believe. They were all sitting in the lower room, and the bed was in the middle of the room; the bolster and pillows were with the bed. No other persons were in the room but the prisoners. I asked them whose bed that was, and they all three denied all knowledge of it, and did not know whose it was; they knew nothing at all about it. I went between ten and eleven o'clock on the Monday morning; they were picking the marks out of the other property. I took them into custody. I did not search any other part of the house.

Cross-examined by MR. ADOLPHUS. This was the third day after the robbery; the robbery was on the Saturday. I know Jonas has a husband living, that I believe. I know Levi lives some where else. In these three days, I don't know who might have brought these things there.

EBENEZAR DALTON. I am a police officer, and went also to this house. I can only speak to the same facts to which the last witness has spoken; his account is correct.

(Property produced.)

Jane Bennet < no role > . I know these pillows, and the bolster; I can also swear to the bed, it is sewed up the middle, where I put some feathers in.

Levi Abraham < no role > 's Defence. I had been out that morning to buy some fish, and on my way home, I was passing by my sister-in-laws door, and looked in, and she said, these things had been put into her place, and asked me to look at them, and I was just looking over them when the officers came in, and took us.

Jonas's Defence. I had been out to buy some fruit that morning, and when I came in these things were in my place. My brother-in-law came in, and we were just looking over them when the officers came in, and took us.


JONAS, GUILTY - DEATH , aged 23.


First Middlesex Jury, before Mr. Baron Wood < no role > .

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