Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

14th February 1816

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t18160214-30

207. LAWRENCE DA VOVEN proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 13th of January , one trunk, value 25s. the property of Thomas Lane proceedingsvictim and Ann Billing proceedingsvictim .

THOMAS LANE < no role > . I live at 74, St. Paul's church-yard ; I am a trunk-maker . On the 15th of January, I missed a portmanteau, and on the 16th I went and fetched it from the place where I was told it was.

JAMES READ < no role > . I am foreman to the procecutors. I saw the portmanteau on the 16th, in Cow Cross, at a broker's shop, as I was passing. We had lost an article of that description, and it struck me as the one we lost. I asked the price of it, merely for the sale of inspecting it; the price asked was a guides, and I showed it was our's. On my return to St. Paul's I informed Mr. Lane, and he went and got it.

Thomas Lane < no role > I went to Romaine's shop, in Cow Cross, and brought away the trunk; I knew it to be mine.

AUGUSTA ROMAINE < no role > . My husband keeps a broker's shop in Cow Cross. I remember purchasing that trunk of the prisoner for four shillings.

GUILTY , aged 56.

Confined six months , and fined 1s.

London Jury, before Mr. Recorder.

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