Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

20th September 1809

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t18090920-2

630. JOSEPH GODFREY proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously breaking and entering the dwelling house of William Webb proceedingsvictim , about the hour of twelve at noon, on the 8th of August , no person being in the same house, and feloniously stealing therein, four shirts, value 4 l. the property of William Webb < no role > .

HANNAH WEBB < no role > . I am the wife of William Webb < no role > .

Q. Was your house broken open - A. Yes; the window was.

Q. Who left the house last - A. I left it last, about twelve o'clock in the morning; I secured the doors and windows. I returned about one o'clock, I found the iron peg was out of the window. He got in at the window; the door was shut.

Q. What property did you lose from there - A. Six shirts.

Q. What was the value of them - A. Five pound all but a shilling; they cost more; they were worth that at the time they were taken.

Q. When had you seen the shirts the last time before you left the house - A. I put them in a basket and covered them over with a cloth. I saw them a quarter of an hour before I left the house. I have never seen the shirts since.

ELIZABETH CROSWELL < no role > . I am a green-grocer, I live in Hackney-road, about half a mile from Mrs. Webb. I went across the fields with a horse and cart, with my green-grocery, I met the prisoner with something in a cloth in his arms; I did not take particular notice of him. Mrs. Webb enquired if I saw a man; I told her yes.

Mr. Curwood. How far was this from the house of Mrs. Webb - A. About a dozen yards.

Q. Do you know the person of the prisoner - A. When I saw him I never saw him before that day; I think he is the man; he is very much altered; I cannot positively say.

MARY MURPHY < no role > . I saw a man pass.

Q. Look at the prisoner - is that the man - A. To the best of my knowledge; he looks much paler now.

Q. Have you any doubt - A. I do not feel any doubt to speak; I saw him pass my window with the shirts on his arm; they were not covered with any thing.

Q. What day was this - A. On Friday, about a quarter before one; the same day as Mrs. Webb's house was broken open. A few minutes before that the prisoner came and asked me if I wanted to buy some beef; he is a soldier, is is usual for them to sell their beef; he told me he was not distressed for the money, he would call in the morning; he left the meat and called the next morning for the money.

MARY GREEN < no role > . I was standing at my window, I saw the prisoner pass on the other side of the way. I live six or seven doors from the other witness. The prisoner had the shirts on his arm.

Q. Do you know how many shirts there were - A - A. No; there were a good many very neatly pleated, as they came from the ironers; he was dressed in soldier's clothes; he had wings to his jacket, and a forage cap. I had never seen him before.

Q. to Webb. How soon after was this man taken - A. The next morning. The serjeant told me when he came for the money for the beef, to stop him.

The prisoner left his defence to his counsel, and called no witnesses to his character.


First Middlesex jury, before Mr. justice Heath.

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