Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

24th October 1798

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17981024-2

549. JOHN BOLTON proceedingsdefend was again indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 17th of September , a wooden tub, value 6d. and thirty-six oysters, value1s. 6d. the property of John Cooper proceedingsvictim .

JOHN COOPER < no role > sworn. - My wife keeps an oysterstall in New Compton-street : On Monday night, the 17th of September, I was informed of my loss; I pursued immediately, and in High-street St. Giles's, I perceived the prisoner with a tub of oysters under his arm; I seized him, and called the watch, he struggled very much to get away; I called the watch, and he was taken to the watch-house, the oysters were carried the next morning to Marlborough-street; the tub has a C at the bottom of it, I had six of them made together, they were then delivered to the watchman; he gave in several different names.

JOHN BROWN sworn. - I am a watchman: I had charge of the prisoner, and this tub with oysters in it, it is the same tub.

Prisoner's defence. I am as innocent as the child unborn. NOT GUILTY .

Tried by the first Middlesex Jury, before Mr. RECORDER.

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