Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

14th February 1798

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17980214-42

185. JANE LOWE proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 20th of January , six shillings in money , the property of William White proceedingsvictim .

WILLIAM WHITE < no role > sworn. - I am a taylor ; I was robbed on the 20th of January: On Saturday night, about twelve o'clock or rather after, I was going up the Hay-market , I met this woman, the prisoner at the bar, and she asked me if I would give her any thing to drink; I was not quite sober, there was another woman with her; I said, I had no objection in the world; I immediately felt two women's hands round me, and I felt something in my waistcoat pocket; I felt in my pocket, and found I had only a penny piece left, a copper piece; I believe I had six or seven shillings, I cannot tell exactly which; we went to a public-house, and Imet with a person I knew, I sent for the watch, and just as the watchman came to the door, I told her I was a very poor man, and she returned me five shillings of the money; the watchman then went again upon his beat, the woman followed him; and I followed after her, and gave the watchman charge of her; I cannot swear to any of the money that she gave me back.

PATRICK ROSE < no role > sworn. - I am a watchman in the Hay-market: This man sent for me, and at the corner of Suffolk-street, he charged this woman with robbing him; she seeing me come into the public-house, gave him five shillings; I went up the Hay-market, and in about twenty minutes afterwards, he charged her, and I brought her to the watch-house.

Prisoner's defence. I was going to St. James's market, and as I was going along, I met with a woman, and the prosecutor, who asked me to drink; I had seen him in the market before; I went to the bar of the Cross public-house, and when they came to the bar, he said, he had lost his money, he charged me with having robbed him; I said, I had five shillings about me, and I would give him that; and if I had had twenty pounds in my pocket, I would have given it, rather than come to such an awful place as this.

The prisoner called two witnesses, who gave her a good character.


Tried by the second Middlesex Jury, before Mr. RECORDER.

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