Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

10th January 1798

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17980110-2

68. MARGARET MURRAY proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 6th of December , a canvas bag, value 1d. a guinea, a seven-shilling piece, and three shillings and sixpence in monies numbered, the property of John Powell proceedingsvictim , privily from his person .

JOHN POWELL < no role > sworn. - I belong to the General Post-office; I am in the Mail Coach-office, as guard : Last Saturday night, about twelve o'clock, as I was going from the office, with a basket on my shoulder, going home towards Hyde-park-corner, I had occasion to stop at the corner of a court, in Castle-street, Leicester-fields , the prisoner asked me to go and give her something to drink; I told her, no, it was time to go home; presently, I found her hand at the top of my basket; I found my small canvas bag that I had had in my pocket, at the top of my basket, loose; I heard something chink like money from her hand in her pocket; I accosted her, and said she had robbed me; she said, of what; I told her I would not tell her what she had robbed me of, till I had got her to the watch-house; I called the watchman, but could find none; I took her myself to the watch-house; I never let her hand go from her pocket till I got her there; I gave charge of her to the constable of the night, and told him she had robbed me of an old guinea, and a seven-shilling piece wrapped up in a piece of paper belonging to the Post-office, and some silver, three shillings and sixpence, or four shillings and sixpence, I am not positive which; the constable found all the property upon her according to my description, in her pocket; I left her there, and went to Bow-street on Monday; there was only two-pence halfpenny found in her pocket, besides my money; the seven-shilling piece was wrapped up in a small piece of a letter; what I found upon her was exactly what I missed.

Q. Where had your bag been before you lost it? - A. In my left hand breeches pocket; I did not feel it go; I had no suspicion till I heard the money drop in her pocket.

GEORGE DONALDSON < no role > sworn. - I am a constable of St. Martin's in the fields: On Saturday, the 6th of this month, the prosecutor brought the woman into the watch-house, he had hold of her right hand; he charged her with robbing him of a guinea and some silver; he said nothing about a seven-shilling piece, to my knowledge, at the time he charged her; I then took her down into the watch-house hole below, she was rather obstreperous, and I was obliged to get the beadle and watchman to hold each hand while I searched her pocket; in consequence of searching her pocket, I found a guinea, four shillings and sixpence in silver, two pennyworth of halfpence, and a seven-shilling piece covered up in this piece of paper, (produces the money); she said, there are three shillings of my own there; I then took her up stairs, and wrote the charge in the book; while I was writing the charge. she wished me to give him his money back, and let her go about her business.

Prisoner's defence. I was saving up my money to redeem some things; the guinea I had sent from a person in the City, towards getting my things again; and half-a guinea I had had a fortnight; going along I saw this man, he wanted me to go along with him, and I would not; and he pulled me about, and broke my apron-string; and the constable used me very ill; it was my own money.

GUILTY Death . (Aged 44.)

Tried by the first Middlesex Jury, before Mr. RECORDER.

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