Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

25th October 1797

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17971025-2

583. JAMES LEWIS , otherwise DRUCE proceedingsdefend , was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 6th of October , two pieces of printed cotton, containing fifty-six yards, value 4l. the property of Robert Waithman proceedingsvictim , and Charles Bristow proceedingsvictim , privately, in their shop .

GABRIEL JOHNSON < no role > sworn. - I am a constable; On the 6th of October, I saw the prisoner, and two more, in Newgate-street, consulting together; I suspected they were about to break Mr. Waithman's windows; I watched them, when I saw one of them, not the prisoner, go into the shop and bring out two pieces of cotton; he gave it to the prisoner, and I laid hold of him; he dropped it, and ran away, I pursued him, and holloaed, stop thief; he was stopped near Green Arbour-Court; I am certain of his person, because I knew him before. (Produces the cotton).

Court. Q. Who is in partnership with Mr. Waithman? - A. Mr. Brislow.

CHARLES BRISTOW < no role > sworn. - This cotton is our property, it has my private mark upon it; my partner's name is Robert Waithman.

- MARSHALL sworn. - I stopped the prisoner, he was running when I first saw him.

The prisoner, in his defence, denied the charge.

GUILTY (Aged 20).

Of stealing the goods, but not privately, in the shop .

Transported for seven Years .

Tried by the first London Jury, before Mr. Baran HOTHAM.

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