Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

31st May 1797

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17970531-2

361. MARY JONES proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 18th of May , a base-metal sleeve button, value 2d. eleven shillings, four sixpences, a dollar, and six copper halfpence , the property of Nicholas Keller proceedingsvictim .

NICHOLAS KELLER < no role > (the prosecutor) being a foreigner, an interpreter was sworn. - I was going through Wentworth-Street, Spitalfields , on Sunday evening, between ten and eleven o'clock, and met the prisoner at the bar, she asked me where I was going to.

Q. Were you in liquor? - A. Not much; she said I should sleep with her all night for two shillings; I went up in the room with her, and she desired me to undress myself, and I did, and put my breeches under the pillow,and I sat down upon the bed, and she came and tumbled over me, and blowed the candle out, and took the breeches away, and was going off with them; she told me she would fetch some water she was so dry; I missed my breeches and went after her, and caught her on the stair-case, I held her fast, and brought her into the room again; I felt in my pocket, and the money was gone, and then she began to cry for the watch, and so did I, and the watchman came, and I gave charge of her; I had my money in my pocket when I was in the room, and she knew it too, for she felt my breeches before I undressed myself; there were eleven shillings, a dollar, four sixpences and three-pence, and a pair of sleeve buttons.

Prisoner. Q. Did not you give me the dollar? - A. No; I was to give two shillings to sleep all night with her.

ERNEST UMBACH < no role > sworn. - I keep a public-house, the Catherine-wheel, in Catherine-wheel-alley, Whitechapel; the prosecutor is a lodger of mine now, he lodged in Aldersgate-street then; he had but one pint of beer at my house, about ten o'clock that night, but I thought he was in liquor; I saw nothing of him again, till next morning he came from Spitalfields watch-house.

THOMAS RITCHIES < no role > sworn. - I am a patrol; I heard the alarm, there was a watchman, before me, that had the prisoner in charge, he is not here; we took her to the watch-house, and Mr. Boucher searched her, he took some money from her; he desired me to search her, which I did; I put my hand down her bosom, and this button dropped; I found a shilling in her hand; I then went to the house where she lived, and there I found the fellow of it; the landlord of the house gave it to me.(The buttons were deposed to by the prosecutor.)

WILLIAM BOUCHER < no role > sworn. - I searched the prisoner in the watch-house, and I observed her put her hand to her right side, she drew it up again doubled in this manner, and said, search me, I have got nothing at all about me; I said, you have got something in your hand, and I insisted upon seeing what it was, I wrenched her hand open and round this dollar, these sixpences, and six halfpence.

Prisoner's defence. Last Sunday night, about halfpast ten, that man attacked me, he said, if I would take him home with me, he would give me a dollar; he went home with me, and pulled me about on the bed, in a very ridiculous manner, and though I am an unfortunate girl, I never saw a man have such actions in my life; he tore my clothes all to pieces, and my money fell out of my pocket, and I had it in my hand, I might have taken the button up in fun.


Tried by the first Middlesex Jury, before Mr. Justice GROSE.

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