Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

20th May 1795

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17950520-2

243. FRANCES BROWN proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing, on the 30th of April , a woman's cotton gown value 10. s woman's cloth cloak, value 10s. a woman's silk cloak, value 4s. two women's muslin aprons, value 3s. a check linen apron, value 4s. a silk handkerchief, va-lue 2s. and a cotton handkerchief, value 6d. the goods of Elizabeth Dennis proceedingsvictim .

ELIZABETH DENNIS < no role > sworn.

Q. Do you know the prisoner at the bar? - No, I do not.

Q. When did you lose the articles mentioned in the indictment? - The 30th of April; the prisoner opened the door, and went into the room.

Q. Where do you live? - The same house the gentlewoman lives, No. 14, Fox's-lane, Shadwell .

Q. Do you keep house? - No, I am only a lodger.

Q. In whose house? - John Barrow's; she lodged in the same house.

Q. How long did she lodge there? - But one night.

Q. How do you know the prisoner took the things? - We found them at the pawnbroker's.

Q. When was it you missed them? - The same night, about eleven o'clock.

Q. Was you gone out? - No, I only went in to my landlord.

Q. How long did you stay? - About two hours; and when I returned, I found the things were gone. My landlord took her up. I found the duplicates in her room. I found the things at Mr. Nicholls's.


I am a pawnbroker; I live on Cockhill; I produce a cotton gown, a woman's cloth cloak, &c. pawned by the prisoner at the bar, on the 30th of April, between seven and eight in the evening.

Q. You are sure it was the prisoner that brought them? - I am certain.

Prosecutrix. They are mine; I know the cloak very well; and this handkerchief, I have burnt a hole in it.

Prisoner. My husband gave them me, and I gave him the duplicates; he lodged at the house.

Court to Prosecutrix. Did her husband lodge there? - There was a man there, but I never see her husband in my life.

JOHN BARROW < no role > sworn.

Q. Does Mrs. Dennis lodge at your house? - Yes.

Q. Do you remember the prisoner lodging there? - Yes; she came the 29th.

Q. Did any body come with her as her husband? - Yes, John Brown, they called his name.

Q. Did they take this room as man and wife? - Yes, they did.

Q. Do you recollect Mrs. Dennis being down with you for an hour or two? - Yes.

Q. How long did she stay? - For an hour and a half, or two hours.

Q. Do you recollect whether the prisoner was at your house at that time? - There was nobody in the house but the prisoner and her husband, and Mrs. Dennis.

Q.Did you let her in? - No, the door was on the latch.

Q. Did you see her come in? - Yes.

Q. Did her husband come in with her on that night? - No.

Prisoner. My husband took the lodging, he worked in Ratcliffe-highway, he worked there a couple of days, for Mr. Taylor; and my husband wished me to come to this gentleman's house, because there was a closet in it, and when I got there I went out to buy some cups and saucers, and I see my husband at the public house, and he called to me to the window, and told me there was a bundle to carry out for a guinea, and I took the things to the pawnbroker's, and had a guinea for them, and I gave him the guinea, every farthing of it , and I asked them to go to my husband the night I was taken up for these things, and ask him how he came by these things.

Barrow. She had twenty-nine shillings in her pocket, there was no duplicate found on her, her husband has not been found since.

Prisoner. I told the justice so, that he went off, and I never set fight of him since, I had been but three months in London, from Ireland, about nine weeks when this happened.

Jury to Prosecutrix. Was your door locked? - Yes, I had the key in my pocket.

GUILTY . (Aged 30.)

Imprisoned six months in the House of Correction , and fined 1s .

Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Justice GROSE.

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