Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

4th June 1794

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17940604-2

344. PAUL WEAVER proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing on the first of March , a silver watch, value 1l. a silk ribbon, value 1d. a metal watch key, value 1d. the goods of Hyam Solomon proceedingsvictim , privately from his person .


I was abroad last year with the army; I was a dealer in goods there, in Flanders; I came to England last August, and I was taken sick, and my master, that I lived with in Norton-street, Mary-le-bone, he took me into his house. The first of last March I was out walking towards Pallmall, when I came near Hanover square, in Church-street , there was a great crowd, the Welch procession was going by, it was between twelve and one, and I was obliged to stand still, and whilst I was standing, I looked about, and I saw the ribbon of my watch in Paul Weaver < no role > 's hand.

Q. < no role > You felt somebody take the watch from your pocket? - Yes, I took hold of his arm and told him, you have got my watch, give it me back again; he was going to run away, but he could not, and so he was apprehended. The constable he has got the watch.

Mr. Alby. What is your name? - Hyam Solomon.

Q. What was your name at the time that you lived with Mr. Northern? - Hyam Solomon. I have always gone by that name, never went by any other.

Q. What name did you pass by when you was abroad? - The same, except as one of the tribe of Levi, and no other name at all.

Q. Had the prisoner the watch on him when he was apprehended? - No, it was found in the street, near the prisoner.

Q. You say you felt it go out of your pocket? - No, I did not feel it go out of my pocket.


I have got the watch, I had it of Solomon. I was on the opposite side of the way, by the church, as the procession were going in, and I saw the bustle, and went over and secured the prisoner, and took him to Bow-Street.

Prosecutor. This is my watch, I have had it enough in my pocket; I know it by the name of the place where it was made, and the inside it shakes where it does not fit tight.

SAMUEL MEAKIN < no role > sworn.

I am a patrol belonging to Bow-street, I heard the alarm of a pick pocket, and saw the prisoner pushing out of the crowd, and I helped to take him, and the prosecutor said, that was the man that robbed him.

The prisoner called four persons who gave him a good character.


Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Justice BULLER.

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