Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

30th April 1794

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17940430-2

231. ALEXANDER LORAINE proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously making an assault on the King's highway, on the 6th of January , on William Salts proceedingsvictim , putting him in fear and feloniously taking from his person and against his will, a silver watch, value 2l. his property .(The case opened by Mr. Knapp.)

WALTER WILLIAM SALTS < no role > sworn.

On the 6th of January last I was coming through Crown-court, it is facing of Compton-street, in Little Pultney-street ; as I was passing along, there was a largeconfectioner's shop, which cast a great light, and there was a great mob of people, by which I could not cleverly pass, and the prisoner stepped up to me.

Q. Did you know the prisoner before? - No, the prisoner stepped up to me, and with his left arm pushed me against the wall, I gave him a punch of the breast, you villain, says I, what do you mean, and at the time I saw his other hand under my coat it was a large coat, buttoned at the bottom, and I felt my watch drop out of my pocket, he rapped it out.

Q. Then you felt it pulled out instead of dropping out? - O, yes, very plain, it was in my fob, my watch pocket; O says I, my watch is gone, there were two other boy s standing by my right hand side, and they said just as the prisoner was turning off.

Q. Did he hear what the boys said? - Yes. says the boys.

Q. Which of them spoke? - They both spoke together, the very same words, says they, follow me, I know the man very well, I followed them the length of the court, and see the prisoner right before me, they were running rather faster than me, I went after them to the end of the court.

Q. Did you over take him? - I did not, he went after than me, but the boys kept with him.

Q. How soon did you see the prisoner at the bar again? - Not till I came to Bow-street.

Q. How long was it after the robbery? - Four or five days.

Q. What did you lose besides the watch? - A black ribbon and a key.

Q. What is become of that watch, have you ever seen it again? - No, I have not.

Q. Look at the prisoner at the bar now, and tell my lord, and gentlemen of the jury, whether you are sure that is the man? - Yes, I am sure of it.

Mr. Knowlys. Your name is Walter William Bates < no role > ? - It is.

Mr. Knowlys to Court. It is alledged, in the indictment, that the prosecutor's name is William Bates < no role > .


Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Lord KENYON.

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