Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

30th October 1793

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17931030-2

674. ANN LOWMAN proceedingsdefend and ELIZABETH ROGERS proceedingsdefend were indicted for feloniously making an assault in a certain field, in an open place, on Mary Lane proceedingsvictim , on the 23d of August , putting her in fear, and feloniously taking from her person and against her will, a cloth coat, value 2 s. a cotton gown, value 1 s. a flannel petticoat, value 6 d. a muslin cap, value 2 d. a silk hat, value 2 d. a pair of worsted stockings, value 2 d. a check apron, value 2 d. a cotton handkerchief, value 2 d. the goods of William Lane proceedingsvictim .

WILLIAM LANE < no role > sworn.

Mary Lane is dead.


I took the prisoners both of them on the 23d of August. < no role > I am a constable; I never saw any thing of the robbery. They had all the things on them that they are charged with.


Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron HOTHAM < no role > .

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