Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

11th September 1793

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17930911-100

646. JOSHUA DANIELS proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing, on the 16th of August , a silk handkerchief, value 6 d. the goods of Hnery Huddy.

HENRY HUDDY proceedingsvictim sworn.

On the 17th of August I was crossing John street, Crutched friars, Aldgate , a little after twelve o'clock, I thought I felt something at my right hand pocket; I put my hand into my pocket and immediately turning round I saw the prisoner running across the way; I missed my handkerchief; I then ran after him, and thought it was best to call stop thief! and on my calling stop thief, he put his hand into his right hand pocket and threw it into the kennel; a great many people were following me at that time; I suppose he ran about fifty yards before he was stopped; I then took him home and got a constable,and desired the constable to take him before the Lord Mayor; he was out of my sight after he dropped the handkerchief, turning a gateway, but not above half a minute.

Q. Are you perfectly sure, as you lost sight of the boy , that is the lad that took your handkerchief? did you see him taken? - I did.

Q. Was he running when he was taken? - He was.

Q. Who picked up the handkerchief? - I picked it up myself.

Q. Was it your's? - It was; I knew it by three or four particular marks upon it.

Q. Have you the handkerchief here which you have kept from that time to this? - Yes. (Produced and deposed to.)

Prisoner. Ask the gentleman whether he felt my hand in his pocket? - I did.

THOMAS TRIVERS < no role > sworn.

I am a carpenter and constable; the gentleman knocked at my door, and I took charge of him and took him before the sitting Alderman; he ordered me to search him; I found two silk handkerchiefs on him; they neither of them belong to this prosecution; one of those silk handkerchiefs he desired to have about his neck, and the other I took into my custody, which I have got now; it has been marked and the name is cut out.

Q. Did Mr. Huddy leave his own handkerchief? - I had it in my possession, and gave it to him to day; I kept it till now.

Prisoner. I was going to my aunt's, in Tumble-alley, Mrs. Cohen, and I suppose this gentleman lost sight of the other person that picked his pocket and he catched hold of me, and took me before my Lord Mayor, but I know nothing gentlemen, about it, nor never see him in my life; my witnesses have been here all day, but it is fast day now.

GUILTY . (Aged 19.)

Transported for seven years .

Tried by the London Jury before Mr. RECORDER.

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