Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

9th January 1793

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17930109-2

124. CHARLES CRAWLEY proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 31st of December , four silk handkerchiefs, value 15 s. the goods of Harry Baker proceedingsvictim , privately in his shop .

WILLIAM ANDERSON < no role > sworn.

I am shopman to Mr. Baker, No. 12, Pall Mall , a linen draper ; there was another lad and him came into our shop, on the 31st of December last, about five o'clock, they asked for some worsted stockings, I shewed them some at 18 d. a pair, that the other boy thought too much and the prisoner took the handkerchiefs out of the window, they came in together, he stood close by the window; I did not see him take them; but before he came in there were handkerchiefs there; I am sure they were there at the time they came in; the handkerchiefs were close to the glass so as to be seen on the outside; as soon as ever they were gone I missed the handkerchiefs. The other boy said, he had no more than a shilling, and then they both ran away; I looked at the window directly and I found the handkerchiefs gone; I immediately pursued them; I saw which way they went, they turned to the left and went up Market-lane; I ran after them into the market, and I saw Crawley throw the handkerchiefs from under his coat under a dark window, when I was not three yards from him.

Q. Could you see what he threw down? - No, I went and picked up what he threw down and laid hold of him; they were my handkerchiefs, and the person was the prisoner Crawley: I am quite sure that the boy I laid hold of in the street was the same boy who was in the shop by the window.

Q. If I understand you right you did not see him take the handkerchiefs, but you knew they were there when he came in, and you missed them immediately as he went out? - It was so.

Q. Was there any body else came in? - There was a woman came in before the boys went out, she stood at the same counter further on in the shop, shebought a pair of stockings but not of me.

(The handkerchiefs produced and deposed to.)

Prisoner. I am eleven years old; he took me out of St. James's-market and said, I stole the handkerchiefs; they stripped me naked and then they took and put marks on them; there were other boys running along besides me; I have a father and a mother, my mother carries loads in the market; I have no friends here now; I have been in prison a week or better.

CATHARINE CRAWLEY < no role > sworn.

This is my son; I don't know what to say about it, he left his master twice, he was with the philanthropic society; he does not live with me, and two boys in the street enticed him away; he is eleven years old and six months.

GUILTY . Death .

Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before the Lord CHIEF BARON.

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