Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

15th December 1792

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17921215-2

2. THOMAS PARKER proceedingsdefend , was indicted for burglariously and feloniously breaking and entering the dwelling house of William Wingfield proceedingsvictim , about the hour of six on the night of the 29th of November , and burglariously and feloniously stealing therein, a feather Bolster, value 4 s. a linen sheet, value 6 s. a woollen blanket, value 18 s. a woollen Rug, value 13 s. the goods and chattels of the said William Wingfield < no role > .

WILLIAM WINGFIELD < no role > sworn.

I live in Drury-lane , keep a whole house, am a cabinet maker ; on the 29th of November, I saw Thomas Parker < no role > coming out of the passage close by the door, he had got a woollen rug under his arm; I called to him friend what have you got there, he set off as fast as he could.

Q. What time was it. - About a quarter past six in the evening.

Q. Was any body in the house. - Yes, some Lodgers; he broke in through the windows with some iron crow.

Q. How do you know he broke in. - Because I saw the windows were smashed all to pieces, it was a back window which was nailed up.

Q. How many people live in your house. - Four or five.

Q. It was after dark? - Yes, it had been dark an hour and half; he came out of the window, the door was locked; I was close to him just at the door; I do not know the Prisoner, the passage he was coming out of, goes into the Court; he had got the rug under his arm, he set off running and threw the rug down in the street; I ran after him, overtook him immediately; I had him by the collar, and took up the rug.

Q. Did you find any thing missing? - Nothing but these articles, a bolster, sheet, blanket, and rug, he had only the rug, the others have not been found; I had been in the room half an hour before, and all the things were then there.

JOHN CUTLER < no role > sworn.

The man and the rug was brought me by Wingfield, and Wingfield went out and looked at his house; and while he was out the prisoner said it was the first offence he had been guilty of, and desired me to speak in his favour; I saw the rug then, but did not see it picked up.

Prisoner. I am very innocent of the fact. I have no friends in town.

GUILTY of stealing to the value of 1 s. but not of the burglary . (Aged 25).

Six months imprisonment .

Tried by the second Middlesex Jury before Lord LOUGHBOROUGH.

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