Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

12th September 1792

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17920912-2

361 JOHN ABSOLUM proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously assaulting Henry Anderson proceedingsvictim on the king's highway, on the 20th day of July last, and putting him in fear, and feloniously taking from his person, and against his will, a woollen purse, value 1 d. and two guineas, and one half guinea, his property .

HENRY ANDERSON < no role > sworn.

I am a soldier ; I was robbed the 20th of July last at the Willow-walk, Chelsea, about a quarter of an hour after five in the afternoon; I was alone with the prisoner; we had been together about half an hour; he told me he would get me private lodgings when I left my quarters; he took me down to the Willow-walk ; I had a crutch, and I said I must have a drink of water, and he said if I gave him sixpence he would get me sixpennyworth of gin and water; and I took out my purse, and he snatched it out of my hand, and took out two guineas and an half, and said, how much money have you in your purse now? says I, you have taken out two guineas and a half; I threatened to raise the country upon him if he did not return the money, and he said, you rascal, if you say a word I will throttle you, and he took hold of me by the throat, and aimed to push me back into the ditch; he was about five minutes with me and went away and took two guineas and a half and left a guinea and a half in the purse, then he went away.

Mr. Garrow, Prisoner's Counsel. You had been drinking at the public house at Chelsea?

Yes, two-pennyworth of gin and water.

How soon afterwards was this man searched? - He was searched the same evening, and the next day my purse was returned with a guinea and a half in it.

JOHN HUBBARD < no role > sworn.

I was working for Mr. William Turner < no role > , in the Willow-walk. I heard murder cried; I looked down the Willow-walk, and I saw the prosecutor in a bended posture by the trees, and saw the prisoner, John Absolum < no role > , in a brownish sort of a ragged coat and white waistcoat; he had a knapsack and a purse; he was making from the prosecutor, then I jumped over and met the prisoner; I asked him if he was not a soldier, or had not been a soldier, and he pulled off his hat, and said look at me; I said you had better make it up with the man and give him his money; he said he had it not, and was a friend to the man; he was kept in custody; and at Westminster he was rescued from us; he was taken again; we took this purse from him, and gave it to the cripple; this is the purse.

Prosecutor. This is the purse which the prisoner snatched out of my hand; that dayI had just received my pension, which was three guineas all but three farthings.

THOMAS NEIGHBOUR < no role > sworn.

I was at work in the ground, and saw the old soldier and the cripple go lovingly together, and directly after I heard the cry of murder! and I saw the prisoner coming back with a knapsack and a purse, and he said he had no other money upon him but what was in the purse; he was rescued from us at Westminster.

GEORGE DAWSON < no role > sworn.

I was in the Monster, in the Willow-walk; I saw the prisoner and prosecutor go by, and in five minutes I heard murder! cried out, and we made down, and these two men had got the prisoner in hold, and the prisoner was recovering; he was rescued at Westminster; and in about a quarter of an hour we found him in Privy Gardens.

Prisoner. I leave it to my counsel.

GUILTY of stealing, but not violently .

Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron HOTHAM < no role > .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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