Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

4th July 1792

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17920704-2

312. ROBERT HOUGHTON proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously making an assault on the king's highway, on the 19th day of May , on James Perry proceedingsvictim , and feloniously taking from his person, and against his will, a gold watch, value 5 l. a steel watch chain, &c. value 1 s. the goods of James Perry < no role > .


I have been a merchant , but retired to Wolverhampton; upon the 19th of May, between eight and nine o'clock, I was going through Tavistock street ; at the corner of Charles street I was met by two men, one of which was the prisoner, the other in a shabby coat; I was stopped by them; they did not speak to me; they met me I supposed by accident; two came behind me immediately and pinioned my arms; they pushed me up against the two men who stood before me; I felt my watch go; I turned myself round and pushed the prisoner up against some shutters; upon that one of the men who stood behind me struck me a violent blow on the side of my head; it made me reel, but I did not fall; I called for the watch, but no watch was set; a gentleman (Mr. Thompson) came to my assistance; I told him I had been robbed; as I was coming through Russel Court I pulled out my watch to see what was the time of the evening, and do not know that I met any body after that till I met these people; I felt a motion about the waistband of my breeches before I was struck; on Mr. Thompson's coming up the three men went across the way; I pointed to them, and they all four set out a running; Mr. Thompson run after them up Tavistock court; I followed as fast as I could; and, at the top of Tavistock court, I found Mr. Thompson had hold of the prisoner; I am sure he is the man that faced me in the street; I asked the people what they were going to do; they made me no answer; I have never found my watch; the two men who came up to me were close together.

Mr. Garrow. What coloured coat did you describe this man to be in? - A dark blue.

How long had you been robbed before the prisoner was taken? - Immediately, perhaps not ten minutes; it was between eight and nine?

Was you present when Thompson and Forbes had hold of this man, and had before taken hold of another? - I was not.

RICHARD THOMPSON < no role > sworn.

I am a gentleman, a member of Lincoln's Inn; on the 19th of May last, about nine in the evening, I was going to Lincoln's Inn; in Tavistock street, at the east end, near Charles street, about a dozen paces before me, I perceived a bustle, and of a sudden I saw Mr. Perry stagger into the street; I stepped hastily up, and saw he was surrounded by four or five men; he exclaimed, d - n them, they have got my watch! I asked what was the matter; he repeated I have been robbed; I could not fix upon more than one to speak to him, and that is not the prisoner; I went after the man up Tavistock court; I never had lost sight of him; I secured him, and in my return to Mr. Perry < no role > I met the prisoner, who seemed to come out of the ruins of a house that had been burned; he struck me violently several blows, and the man I had hold of escaped; I then laid hold of the prisoner, and he struck me again; he retreated about 150 yards, and was close to the Queen's Head publick house, Covent Garden; the crowd knocked us into the door way; I seized him by the collar; Mr. F. made his way through the mob, and I took the prisoner; the prisoner denied that he had struck me, but I have not the smallest doubt of it; he was not out of my sight the whole time.

- FORBES sworn.

My shop is the corner of Tavistock court; on the 19th of May last, I was standing at my door, I heard a noise, and saw Mr. Thompson and the prisoner making a set at one another, as though they were going to fight; the prisoner retreated and Thompson followed him; seeing him a respectable looking character I followed to the door of the publick house; the prisoner and Mr. Thompson were in the passage, and appeared to be sparring; I held Mr. Thompson and the prisoner; when Mr. Parry came up he said that's him.

MOSES MORANT < no role > sworn.

On the 19th of May the prisoner was brought to me and I searched him, and took him to the watch house; there was nothing found upon him but his own property.


I was passing from Lincoln's Inn Fields to Covent Garden, to buy some garden stuff, and I saw these gentlemen, and they said I was not the person.

The prisoner called five witnesses, who gave him a good character.

GUILTY , Death . (Aged 25.)

Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before the Lord CHIEF BARON.

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