Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

23rd May 1792

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17920523-2

221. JOHN MOYSES proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing, on the 24th of April , three cloath coats value 17 s. two pair of shoes value 7 s. the goods of William Sullivan proceedingsvictim , in the dwelling-house of William Williams < no role > .

WILLIAM SULLIVAN < no role > sworn.

The prisoner came into his lodging between 11 and 12 at night; we slept together in Long-alley ; I understood him to be a lawyer ; the prisoner came to bed; I had a trunk in the room which I suppose he broke open, I suppose so, for I went to sleep; I found the prisoner in Half-moon-alley, Bishopsgate-street, which is very near where we lodged; I laid hold of him and he struck me on the face; he went out about half past three, and it struck me it was an early hour for him to go to work. I had a new pair of shoes lying on the table, and I thought he might move them; I got out of bed and discovered that I was robbed, and put on my night-cap and an old pair of shoes (he had taken away every part of my wearing apparel) and pursued him, and took the things from him: he was taken before the Lord Mayor, and was committed.

THOMAS PRICE < no role > sworn.

Produces (the things mentioned in the indictment) the prisoner and the things were brought to the watch-house, he did not deny then any thing but the silk handkerchief; every thing I delivered to the prosecutor I marked before I delivered them to him; these are the things I took from the prisoner and delivered to the prosecutor.

WILLIAM TAYLOR < no role > sworn.

I stopped the prisoner in Half-moon Alley, and helped to take him to the watch-house; he was running away from the prosecutor when I stopped him.

GUILTY. 39 s . (Aged 27.)

Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron PERRYN < no role > .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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