Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

8th June 1791

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17910608-2

227. CHARLES HILTON proceedingsdefend was indicted for burglariously and feloniously breaking and entering the dwelling house of Henry Bennett proceedingsvictim , about the hour of ten in the night of the 26th of May last, and burglariously stealing therein, one pair of sheets, value 2 s. one woollen blanket, value 12 d. one woollen rug, value 2 s. and one feather bolster, value 2 s. his property .

HENRY BENNETT < no role > sworn.

I live in Newtoner's-lane, St. Giles's . My house was broke open about ten on the 26th of May; I was in bed about ten; it is a house that we let out in tenements ready furnished; I do not inhabit any part, it was the room of a lodger, I cannot tell the name: it was past ten, I was just got into bed, my wife was up; the watchman knocked, and called Bennett; I went to the house, and the pannel of the lock was taken out, and the things mentioned in the indictment were gone.

(Repeating them.)

CORNELIUS BUCKEY < no role > sworn.

A little before eleven I was after going on duty; I went for a halfpenny worth of tobacco, and I saw this man; I fancy this is the same man; and I saw him with this property; I fancy this is the same property; he had a bundle; I took him to the watch-house on suspicion, with the bundle, and he said his wife died, and that occasioned him to bring the goods to be sold; he tried to escape from the watch-house-door; Bennet's name was on the things, and I called him. (The things produced and deposed to.) Here is a mark in this, but Ican hardly read it. Here is Henry Bennett < no role > in full.


I was drinking all the afternoon, I was rather in liquor; I met a man and woman with these clothes, and the woman asked me to carry them a little way for her.


Of stealing, but not of the burglary .

Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Justice ASHURST.

[Transportation. See summary.]

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