Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

8th December 1790

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17901208-2

2. ROBERT JONES proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing, on the 15th of November last, two bay mares, value 40 l. the property of Joseph Kay proceedingsvictim .

JOSEPH KAY < no role > sworn.

I only prove the property: I know nothing of the robbery. On the 16th of November I was told that Spencer, my man, had lost his coach and horses, on the evening of the 15th, and that they had been stopped in Blackfriars-bridge, by the patrol, and that the person that drove them away was in custody.

JAMES SPENCER < no role > sworn.

I left my coach and horses at Bride-lane with the waterman, and gave him charge of them; I went into the publick-house, and when I came out the coach and horses weregone.

Where was this? - In Bridge-street, about half an hour after twelve; I heard of them, and I came to the watch-house at Blackfriars; a hackney coachman told me they were taken there.

JOHN SMYTHIES < no role > sworn.

I saw this gentleman, the prisoner, get on the box, at the corner of Bride-lane, in Bridge-street; he turned them about, and went across the rank to the other side of the street; I thought him an awkward driver, and took notice of him; I thought he had been a footman; I went along-side of him, to the corner of Earl-street; I said, halloo, my friend, what are you going to do with that coach and horses? he said, he was going to take up in Chatham-square; I stood still; I saw him making over Blackfriars-bridge, mending his pace; I ran after him, and hallooed out, stop that coach! as loud as I could; the patrol stopped him; and I ran up as fast as I could; I came up and said, he had stolen the coach and horses; the patrol said, will you give charge of him? I said, I would; I took the coach and horses, and the patrol took the gentleman to the watch-house; Mr. Kay's man came in about an hour after, and he owned them; Mr. Kay was not there himself.

Are you the waterman? - No.

Mr. Kay. My man went; he is not here: I did not see them till the next day, when Spencer brought them to my yard.

You swear them to be your property? - I do my lord.

Court to Spencer. Did you go to the watch-house? - Yes; directly; I was in the Borough when I heard it.

Were those the horses that you found there, the horses you drove? - Yes; I have driven them these three years; I took them to Mr. Kays, and put them in the stable; Mr. Kay saw them next day.

Jury. Is the waterman here? - No.

WILLIAM CASSIDY < no role > sworn.

I am one of the patrol; I stopped the coach; the prisoner was off the box when I came up.


I was going to work, and I got up behind this coach, and somebody called stop, and the man jumped off the box, and they took me; that patrol is not the man that stopped me.

JOSEPH ROBERTS < no role > sworn.

I stopped the prisoner; he drew < no role > the coach up to the east side of the bridge, and jumped off, and left the coach and horses standing; he was on the box; I saw him jump off.

GUILTY , Death .

Tried by the London Jury before Mr. Justice ASHURST.

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