Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

15th September 1790

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17900915-13

603. MARIA WALKER proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing, on the 10th of September last, one pair of sheets, value 2 s. and a bed quilt, value 1 s. the property of Henry Bennet proceedingsvictim , in a lodging room let by him to the prisoner, to be used by her .

HENRY BENNET < no role > sworn.

My wife let a lodging to the prisoner; I knew of it; she was to pay three shillings and sixpence a week; they were furnished; I lost two sheets and a quilt; they were on her bed; I know nothing more of this transaction.

ELIZABETH BENNET < no role > sworn.

The prisoner took a lodging of me; the first week that she was there she came and knocked at my door at ten at night, and said she had lost her blanket and quilt off the bed; I told her, she was the person I delivered them to, and I should look to her for them; the next morning she said she had found the rug but not the blanket; the 10th of this month the sheets and quilt were on the bed; I went down on the 11th in the morning, and I found the prisoner on the bed; the things were then missing; she said she knew nothing of them; I told her it would not do, and I went for an officer, and took her up; she said she knew nothing of them; when she was in custody, she asked me to let her have her liberty, and she would pay for them; I said I could not; I have never seen them since.

JOHN M'COY sworn.

I saw the sheets and the quilt on the bed on the 11th, about a quarter past twelve on the Friday morning in her apartments; I was called up; somebody called watch and murder; that was the reason I went up there.


I went out a quarter after twelve in the morning, and when I returned I found the padlock broke open, and the bed was stript. I was not out twenty minutes, and I called this same watchman, and he said it served me right for not going to bed before.


Tried by the second Middlesex Jury before Mr. RECORDER.

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