Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

26th May 1790

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17900526-2

440. FRANCIS BEETLE proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 12th of April last, eight shirts, value 2 l. five pair of silk stockings, value 10 s. three pair of nankeen breeches, value 20 s. three child's shirts, value 3 s. the property of Sir James Pennyman proceedingsvictim , Baronet , in the dwelling house of Thomas Clarke < no role > .

Sir JAMES PENNYMAN < no role > sworn.

The prisoner was a servant of mine; he ran away; and upon his going, I got a search warrant, and searched his lodgings: I went to a pawn-brokers', and found the things in the indictment, and a great many more; I missed them; I never saw the prisoner till he was taken up, some time afterwards; he had lived formerly in my service, and had behaved very well; and I took him again.

Mr. Knowlys, Prisoner's Counsel. Sir James, how long had the prisoner lived with you? - About eight months.

Had he any family? - A wife and three children.

Were they in very good circumstances? - He had been cut of place, and I took him, and thought it would be of service to him.

Had he been paid his wages? - Yes; he had had eight guineas.

JOSEPH BARNES < no role > sworn.

I am servant to Mr. Brooks, pawn-broker, in Parliament-street: I produce some property I received from the prisoner.

When were they pledged? - At different times, from Christmas to April.

Did you take them all in? - No; I took in several of them.

What was lent upon them all? - About two guineas and an half.

Were they pledged in his own name? - Yes. Sir James saw them at Bow-street; I have had them ever since.

Sir James. They are my property; I saw them at Bow-street.

THOMAS HINDES < no role > sworn.

I live with Mr. Watson, Broad Sanctuary: I produce several things: I received them from the prisoner. Sir James saw them at Bow-street.

Sir James. I saw them there; they are my property.

What money was lent upon them? - Above a guinea. The prisoner redeemed a shirt and a hat, and left them, and said he would call again, but he did not.

Court to Barnes. What money was lent upon the things you did not receive yourself? - Fifteen shillings and three-pence.

Jury. Do you know whether the prisoner redeemed any things? - Yes, from time to time he has, and brought them again, and others in exchange.

Jury. Were these things in the prisoner's charge? - Yes, he had them in his charge.

Prisoner. I leave it to my counsel.

GUILTY, 39 s.

Tried by the second Middlesex Jury before Mr. Baron PERRYN < no role > .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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