Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

25th February 1784

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17840225-10

236. THOMAS CAPP proceedingsdefend was indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 4th day of February , one iron bar, value 5 s. the property of Edward Meux proceedingsvictim , Esq .

WILLIAM HICHIN < no role > sworn.

The prosecutor lost an iron bar on Wednesday, the 4th of this month, from a house which I keep under him, in High-street, Bloomsbury , it was in the passage behind the bar window; it was to bar the outside shutters when they were put up, the value of it is five shillings, the weight is thirty-three pounds: the prisoner sold it for half a crown; he came into my house on the 4th at a quarter past ten o'clock, and called for a pint of beer, he stopped a quarter of an hour, went into the passage and took this iron bar and carried it off, he went away about a quarter of an hour, and returned, and had some purl, and went away at eleven o'clock, I suspected him, and after he was gone I missed the bar, and the next evening about half past eight o'clock, the prisoner came in again, I was in the back room, the maid informed me, and I came into the tap-room, and charged the constable with him, he was taken to the watch-house, the next morning between nine and ten, he was brought past my door to be carried to Mr. Walker's, and the constable brought him into my house, and he sat down, and I told him, I was in great distress about my irons, if he he would tell me where the irons were I would be favourable to him.

Court. Do you know any thing of his stealing them, otherwise than by his own confession? - No, my Lord.

Court to Jury. Then Gentlemen you will acquit the prisoner.


Tried by the first Middlesex Jury before Mr. Justice GOULD.

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