Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

13th September 1780

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17800913-2

439. ANN the wife of William ROBERTS < no role > proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing a cloth coat, value 10 s. two cloth waistcoats, value 10 s. a pair of cloth breeches, value 5 s. eight yards of linen cloth, value 6 s. two linen aprons, value 1 s. a pair of silk stockings, value 3 s. a pair of thread stockings, value 1 s. two linen towels, value 1 s. a linen shift, value 1 s. a woollen petticoat, value 1 s. a stuff petticoat, value 1 s. a cotton bed-gown, value 2 s. a linen napkin, value 1 s. two linen table cloths. value 3 s. five pair of linen sheets, value 25 s. a pair of woman's stays, value 5 s. two men's linen shirts, value 3 s. eight children's linen shirts, value 4 s. two muslin jams, value 10 s. two cambrick jams, value 5 s. five dimity petticoats, value 5 s. two flannel petticoats, value 1 s. three children's linen bed gowns, value 1 s. eight laced linen caps, value 4 s. a laced linen neckcloth, value 1 s. three pair of dimity stays, value 3 s. two yards of silk ribband, value 6 d. a dimity cloak, value 6 d. and two children's flannel petticoats, value 1 s. the property of John Quarterman proceedingsvictim , in the dwelling house of the said John , July the 29th .


I live in Worship-street, Moorfields . On the 29th of July I lost the goods mentioned in the indictment (repeating them) out of my house; the prisoner was my servant ; she was left in care of the house; she left the house on the 29th of July; these things were all in the house when we left it on the 30th of May. I went home on the 31st of July, and then I found the drawers all open and these things gone; I found part of them again at Mr. Davidson's, a pawnbroker, at London Wall, and some more at another pawnbroker's, at the corner of Golden-lane. The pawnbrokers gave up the goods, and I delivered them to the constable.

( Thomas Cockran < no role > , a constable, produced the goods found at Mr. Davidson's, which were deposed to by the prosecutor.)

THOMAS HARRIS < no role > sworn.

I live with Mr. Davidson, a pawnbroker, I took these things in pawn from the prisoner, I believe it was in the month of June; they were brought at different times.

Prisoner. I have nothing to say in my defence.

GUILTY of stealing the goods to the value of 10 s.

Imprisoned 6 months in the house of correction .

Tried by the First Middlesex Jury before Mr. BARON HOTHAM.

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