Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

7th September 1774

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17740907-2

553. (M.) SUSANNA BRISTOW , otherwise BURY proceedingsdefend This name instance is in a workspace. , was indicted for stealing a silk purse, value 1 d. and fifty-three guineas, a half guinea, two thirty-six shilling pieces and four pounds five shillings in money, numbered, the property of Jane Still proceedingsvictim , in the dwelling house of Elias Barber < no role > , January the 12th . *

Acquitted .

SUSANNA BRISTOW < no role > This name instance is in a workspace. otherwise BURY was indicted for stealing a silk gown, value 8 s. and a silk handkerchief, value 2 s. the property of James Thompson proceedingsvictim , January 9th . ||

Acquitted .

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