Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

21st February 1770

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17700221-2

130. (M. 1st.) Nathaniel Scott proceedingsdefend was indicted for stealing three linen shirts, value 11 s. a duffil cardinal, value 7 s. a linen bed-gown, value 4 s. five linen shifts, value 10 s. and a pair of worsted stockings , the property of Jeremiah Neal proceedingsvictim , December 19 . *

Jer. Neal. I live in Ratcliff-highway. I lost the things laid in the indictment (mentioning them) on the 19th of December. I found one of my shirts on the prisoner's back, the evening Mr. Wyn stopped him.

Mr. Wyn. I keep a sale-shop. The prisoner came to my shop, and told me, he was an unfortunate man that had lost his ship in Yarmouth-roads. He appeared in a creditable manner. He brought this cardinal, and asked me a guinea for it. I said, You never bought it, or you would know better what to ask for it. He said, his wife bought it, and she was dead. I gave him seven shillings for it. Two or three days after, Mrs. Neal came to my house and described it. I shewed it her, and she swore to it. I said, if the man comes again, I will stop him. The prisoner came again, and I stopped him, and before the justice the prosecutor owned the shirt he had on; and the justice ordered him to take it off.

Mary Edwards < no role > . I keep a clothes-shop a few doors from Mr. Wyn. On the 19th of December, the prisoner brought this bed-gown to me, and I gave him three shillings for it. (The shirt, cloke and gown produced in court.)

Prosecutor. These are my property. I am a coal-heaver. The prisoner lodged in my house four nights.

Prisoner's Defence.

I know nothing of the things.

Guilty . B . Im.

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